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作者:武汉SEO闵涛  文章来源:敏韬网  点击数690  更新时间:2009/4/22 23:29:59  文章录入:mintao  责任编辑:mintao
  外观模式(Facade pattern)涉及到子系统的一些类。所谓子系统,是为提供一系列相关的特征(功能)而紧密关联的一组类。例如,一个Account类、Address类和CreditCard类相互关联,成为子系统的一部分,提供在线客户的特征。


  外观模式(Facade pattern)很适用于在上述情况。外观模式(Facade pattern)为子系统提供了一个更高层次、更简单的接口,从而降低了子系统的复杂度和依赖。这使得子系统更易于使用和管理。


Figure2: Client Interaction with Subsystem Classes after Applying the Facade Pattern




  (1) 接受客户的详细资料(账户、地址和信用卡信息)

  (2) 验证输入的信息

  (3) 保存输入的信息到相应的文件中。


  Listing1: AccountClass

public class Account {
 String firstName;
 String lastName;
 final String ACCOUNT_DATA_FILE = "AccountData.txt";
 public Account(String fname, String lname) {
  firstName = fname;
  lastName = lname;
 public boolean isValid() {
  Let's go with simpler validation
  here to keep the example simpler.
 public boolean save() {
  FileUtil futil = new FileUtil();
  String dataLine = getLastName() + ”," + getFirstName();
  return futil.writeToFile(ACCOUNT_DATA_FILE, dataLine,true, true);
 public String getFirstName() {
  return firstName;
 public String getLastName() {
  return lastName;
  Listing2: Address Class

public class Address {
 String address;
 String city;
 String state;
 final String ADDRESS_DATA_FILE = "Address.txt";
 public Address(String add, String cty, String st) {
  address = add;
  city = cty;
  state = st;
 public boolean isValid() {
  The address validation algorithm
  could be complex in real-world
  Let's go with simpler validation
  here to keep the example simpler.
  if (getState().trim().length() < 2)
   return false;
  return true;
 public boolean save() {
  FileUtil futil = new FileUtil();
  String dataLine = getAddress() + ”," + getCity() + ”," + getState();
  return futil.writeToFile(ADDRESS_DATA_FILE, dataLine,true, true);
 public String getAddress() {
  return address;
 public String getCity() {
  return city;
 public String getState() {
  return state;
  Listing3: CreditCard Class

public class CreditCard {
 String cardType;
 String cardNumber;
 String cardExpDate;
 final String CC_DATA_FILE = "CC.txt";
 public CreditCard(String ccType, String ccNumber,
 String ccExpDate) {
  cardType = ccType;
  cardNumber = ccNumber;
  cardExpDate = ccExpDate;
 public boolean isValid() {
  Let's go with simpler validation
  here to keep the example simpler.
  if (getCardType().equals(AccountManager.VISA)) {
   return (getCardNumber().trim().length() == 16);
  if (getCardType().equals(AccountManager.DISCOVER)) {
   return (getCardNumber().trim().length() == 15);
  if (getCardType().equals(AccountManager.MASTER)) {
   return (getCardNumber().trim().length() == 16);
  return false;
 public boolean save() {
  FileUtil futil = new FileUtil();
  String dataLine = getCardType() + ,”" + getCardNumber() + ”," + getCardExpDate();
  return futil.writeToFile(CC_DATA_FILE, dataLine, true, true);
 public String getCardType() {
  return cardType;
 public String getCardNumber() {
  return cardNumber;
 public String getCardExpDate() {
  return cardExpDate;
Figure3: Subsystem Classes to Provide the Necessary Functionality to Validate and Save the Customer Data

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