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作者:武汉SEO闵涛  文章来源:敏韬网  点击数615  更新时间:2009/4/23 11:14:33  文章录入:mintao  责任编辑:mintao

说明: 测试您打字的速度

效果: 运行后查看!




<!-- Begin

msg = new Array("Practicing with your typing can greatly help your overall computer skills.",

"A new computer is sold in the US every hour!",

"When do birds migrate from North to South?",

"Perplexing phrases, like this one, are tougher to type.")

word = 10

function m() {

msg = new Array("Practicing with your typing can greatly help your overall computer skills.",

"A new computer is sold in the US every hour!",

"When do birds migrate from North to South?",

"Perplexing phrases, like this one, are tough to type.")

word = 10


function e() {

msg = new Array("If you can correctly, and quickly, type this perplexing sentence, you are one superb typist!",

"You are one superb typist if you can correctly, and quickly, type this long phrase.",

"I believe you're a good typist, so I believe you will correctly copy this statement!",

"Because this is not a fairly simple phrase, could you swiftly, and precisely, copy it?")

word = 15


function s() {

msg = new Array("Computers are the medium of the future.",

"Can you type this phrase rather quickly?",

"Who is the President of the US?",

"I believe that you can type well!")

word = 7


function beginIt() {

randNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)) % 4

msgType = msg[randNum]

day = new Date();

startType = day.getTime();

document.theForm.given.value = msgType




function cheat() {




function stopIt() {

dayTwo = new Date();

endType = dayTwo.getTime();

totalTime = ((endType - startType) / 1000)

spd = Math.round((word/totalTime) * 60)

if (document.theForm.typed.value == document.theForm.given.value) {

alert("\n你输入了 " + word + " 个字符,在 "

+ totalTime + " 秒内, 速度为每分钟 " + spd + " 个字符!")


else {

alert("你输入有错,但是你每秒钟输入 " + spd + " 个字符.")



// End -->

</SCRIPT><FORM name="theForm">




<TD align=center><input type=radio name="sme" value="Beginner" onClick="s()" checked>初级者

<input type=radio name="sme" value="Novice" onClick="m()">中级者

<input type=radio name="sme" value="Expert" onClick="e()">高级者</TD>


<TR><TD colspan=2><BR>

<center><input type=button value="开始测试" name="start" onClick="beginIt()"></center><P>

<textarea name="given" cols=53 rows=3 wrap=on onFocus="cheat()">

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