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Windows Live Messenger正式开始测试__天极Yesky
作者:武汉SEO闵涛  文章来源:敏韬网  点击数1077  更新时间:2009/4/25 0:56:59  文章录入:mintao  责任编辑:mintao


Windows Live Messenger正式开始测试

Windows Live Messenger Beta新功能列表

Windows Live Messenger 新功能及用法

Windows Live Messenger Beta1界面欣赏

Windows Live Messenger Beta1高清图赏


QQ2005和MSN Messenger新版 你会选择谁

MSN Messenger 8 Beta简单试用报告

MSN Messenger8 超酷头像任你选

MSN Messenger 8.0 Beta多图欣赏

Windows Live Messenger 8 截图欣赏


  综合各方消息来源,微软将从13日(美国东部时间)开始Windows Live Messenger Beta的测试,并提供其下载链接。Windows Live Messenger 是MSN Messenger使用的新代号。


  Some of the invitation mails that we sent yesterday did not reach their intended recipients. Therefore, we are sending them again. If this is the second time you are receiving this email, we apologize for the inconvenience.

  Also, the space for this beta is limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis so do not hesitate to follow the instructions below if you are interested in taking part.




   Windows Live Messenger 8 截图欣赏

   下载 Windows Live Messenger 首个官方版

   MSN Messenger8 超酷头像任你选

   MSN 群功能整合版:普通帐号也能登录 MSN 8

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