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作者:武汉SEO闵涛  文章来源:敏韬网  点击数1676  更新时间:2009/6/9 2:16:20  文章录入:mintao  责任编辑:mintao


  Function IsLike(strText As String, pattern As String) As Boolean
    IsLike = strText Like pattern
End Function
Function IsChinese(strText As String) As Boolean
Dim i%, h$
h = Hex(Asc(strText))
If Asc(Left(h, 1)) >= 66 And Asc(Left(h, 1)) <= 70 Then
    IsChinese = True
End If
End Function

Function StringType(strText As String, Optional outPutType As Integer = 1, Optional sumVar As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim strtemp As String, blnArray(1 To 5) As String, strPreType As Integer
Dim intNum As Integer, startPos As Integer, intlen As Integer
Dim strArray As Variant, strCompare1 As String, strCompare2 As String, dblSum As Double
If sumVar = True And Not (outPutType <> 2 Or outPutType <> 4) Then sumVar = False
For i = 1 To Len(strText)
    strtemp = Mid(strText, i, 1)
    If i > 1 Then strCompare1 = WorksheetFunction.Asc(Mid(strText, i - 1, 3))
    strCompare2 = WorksheetFunction.Asc(Mid(strText, i, 2))
    If WorksheetFunction.Dbcs(strtemp) = strtemp Then
        strtemp = WorksheetFunction.Asc(strtemp)
        If IsLike(strtemp, "[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare1, "[0-9].[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare2, "-[0-9]") Then
            If strPreType = 4 Then
                blnArray(4) = Left(blnArray(4), Len(blnArray(4)) - 1) & intNum
                intNum = 1
                blnArray(4) = blnArray(4) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum
            End If
            strPreType = 4
            intNum = intNum + 1
        ElseIf IsLike(strtemp, "[a-zA-Z]") Then
            If strPreType = 5 Then
                blnArray(5) = Left(blnArray(5), Len(blnArray(5)) - 1) & intNum
                intNum = 1
                blnArray(5) = blnArray(5) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum
            End If
            strPreType = 5
            intNum = intNum + 1
        ElseIf IsChinese(strtemp) Then
            If strPreType = 1 Then
                blnArray(1) = Left(blnArray(1), Len(blnArray(1)) - 1) & intNum
                intNum = 1
                blnArray(1) = blnArray(1) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum
            End If
            strPreType = 1
            intNum = intNum + 1
            strPreType = 0
        End If
        If IsLike(strtemp, "[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare1, "[0-9].[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare2, "-[0-9]") Then
            If strPreType = 2 Then
                blnArray(2) = Left(blnArray(2), Len(blnArray(2)) - 1) & intNum
                intNum = 1
                blnArray(2) = blnArray(2) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum
            End If
            strPreType = 2
            intNum = intNum + 1
        ElseIf IsLike(strtemp, "[a-zA-Z]") Then
            If strPreType = 3 Then
                blnArray(3) = Left(blnArray(3), Len(blnArray(3)) - 1) & intNum
                intNum = 1
                blnArray(3) = blnArray(3) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum
            End If
            strPreType = 3
            intNum = intNum + 1
            strPreType = 0
        End If
    End If
strtemp = ""
strArray = Split(blnArray(outPutType), "-")
For i = 1 To UBound(strArray)
    intNum = InStr(1, strArray(i), "/")
    startPos = Mid(strArray(i), 1, intNum - 1)
    intlen = Mid(strArray(i), intNum + 1)
    If sumVar Then
        dblSum = dblSum + WorksheetFunction.Asc(Mid(strText, startPos, intlen))
        strtemp = strtemp & Mid(strText, startPos, intlen) & " "
    End If
If sumVar Then
    StringType = dblSum
    If Len(strtemp) Then
        StringType = Left(strtemp, Len(strtemp) - 1)
        StringType = ""
    End If
End If
End Function


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