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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数2199  更新时间:2012/6/6 23:30:55  文章录入:mintao  责任编辑:mintao



If rules are working in httpd.conf file but not in other sections or .htaccess files, make sure to include RewriteEngine on directive in every section and .htaccess file. Also remember that rewriting base inside .htaccess files by default is different from httpd.conf. ISAPI_Rewrite automatically strips the local directory prefix from the path when in .htaccess or <Directory> section and applies rules only to the remainder. So if your rules start with a ‘/’ character, this should be removed in .htaccess file in the root folder of web site.



httpd.conf中的配置规则是:RewriteRule /(\w+)/list(\d+).html  /Article/ArticleList.aspx\?ArticleType=$1&Page=$2

.htaccess中的配置规则需要修改为:RewriteRule (\w+)/list(\d+).html  /Article/ArticleList.aspx\?ArticleType=$1&Page=$2


So if your rules start with a ‘/’ character, this should be removed in .htaccess file in the root folder of web site.

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