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如何将文本文件转换为ACCESS数据库         ★★★★


作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1048 更新时间:2009/4/22 21:27:53


首先在工程中添加对Microsoft DAO 3.51 Library引用。



控件 属性 值


Command1 Caption "建立文本文件并显示在网格中"

Command2 Caption "传输入数据并新建一个数据库"

Command3 Caption "显示新数据库中的数据"

Grid1 Cols 5

Grid1 Rows 35

Grid2 Cols 5

Grid2 Rows 35


Dim nums(30) As Long

Dim names(30) As String * 20

Dim addresses(30) As String * 25

Dim ss_nums(30) As String * 12

Const DB_LONG = 4

Const DB_TEXT = 10

Const DB_LANG_GENERAL = ";LANGID=0x0809;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"


Sub Form_Load ()


grid1.ColWidth(1) = 1000 'For Emp ID

grid1.ColWidth(2) = 2000 'For Emp Name

grid1.ColWidth(3) = 3000 'For Emp Addr

grid1.ColWidth(4) = 2000 'For Emp SSN

grid1.Col = 1

grid1.Row = 0

grid1.Text = "Emp ID" 'Header for Emp ID from text file

grid1.Col = 2

grid1.Row = 0

grid1.Text = "Emp Name" 'Header for Emp Name from text file

grid1.Col = 3

grid1.Row = 0

grid1.Text = "Emp Addr" 'Header for Emp Addr from text file

grid1.Col = 4

grid1.Row = 0

grid1.Text = "Emp SSN" 'Header for Emp SSN from text file

grid2.ColWidth(1) = 1000 'For Emp ID

grid2.ColWidth(2) = 2000 'For Emp Name

grid2.ColWidth(3) = 3000 'For Emp Addr

grid2.ColWidth(4) = 2000 'For Emp SSN

grid2.Col = 1

grid2.Row = 0

grid2.Text = "Employee ID" 'Header for Emp ID from DB

grid2.Col = 2

grid2.Row = 0

grid2.Text = "Employee Name" 'Header for Emp Name from DB

grid2.Col = 3

grid2.Row = 0

grid2.Text = "Employee Addr" 'Header for Emp ID from DB

grid2.Col = 4

grid2.Row = 0

grid2.Text = "Employee SSN" 'Header for Emp Name from DB

End Sub


Sub Command1_Click ()

For i% = 1 To 30

nums(i%) = i%

names(i%) = "John Doe # " + Str$(i%)

addresses(i%) = Str$(i%) + " Mocking Bird Lane"

If i% < 9 Then

'* Enter the following four lines as one, single line:

ss_nums(i%) = Trim$(Str$(i%) + Trim$(Str$(i%))

+ Trim$(Str$(i%)) + "-" + Trim$(Str$(i% + 1))

+ Trim$(Str$(i% + 1)) + "-" + Trim$(Str$(i%))

+ Trim$(Str$(i%)) + Trim$(Str$(i%)) + Trim$(Str$(i%)))


'* Enter the following two lines as one, single line:

ss_nums(i%) = Trim$(Trim$(Str$(999)) + "-" + Trim$(Str$(88))

+ "-" + Trim$(Str$(7777)))

End If

Next i%

Open "Testdata.DAT" For Output As #1

For j% = 1 To 30

Print #1, nums(j%)

Print #1, names(j%)

Print #1, addresses(j%)

Print #1, ss_nums(j%)

Next j%

Close #1

For i% = 1 To 30 'Display results from text file

grid1.Col = 1

grid1.Row = i%

grid1.Text = nums(i%) 'Load Emp IDs

grid1.Col = 2

grid1.Row = i%

grid1.Text = names(i%) 'Load Emp Names

grid1.Col = 3

grid1.Row = i%

grid1.Text = addresses(i%) 'Load Emp Addrs

grid1.Col = 4

grid1.Row = i%

grid1.Text = ss_nums(i%) 'Load Emp SSNs

Next i%

End Sub


Sub Command2_Click ()

Dim newdb As Database

Dim newtb As Table

Dim newtd As New tabledef

Dim newidx As New Index

Dim field1 As New field 'For Emp nums

Dim field2 As New field 'For Emp names

Dim field3 As New field 'For Emp addresses

Dim field4 As New field 'For Emp ss_nums

screen.MousePointer = 11 'Display the time to build

Set newdb = CreateDatabase("NEWDB.MDB", DB_LANG_GENERAL)

newtd.Name = "Emp_Table" '* New table name

field1.Name = "Emp_ID" '* Holds Employee ID nums()

field1.Type = DB_LONG

newtd.Fields.Append field1

field2.Name = "Emp_Name" '* Holds Emp names()

field2.Type = DB_TEXT

field2.Size = 20

newtd.Fields.Append field2

field3.Name = "Emp_Addr" '* Holds Employee addr()

field3.Type = DB_TEXT

field3.Size = 25

newtd.Fields.Append field3

field4.Name = "Emp_SSN" '* Holds emp ss_nums()

field4.Type = DB_TEXT

field4.Size = 12

newtd.Fields.Append field4

newidx.Name = "Emp_ID_IDX" '* You have to have an index

newidx.Fields = "Emp_ID"

newidx.Primary = True

newtd.Indexes.Append newidx

newdb.TableDefs.Append newtd

Set newtb = newdb.OpenTable("Emp_Table")

Open "Testdata.dat" For Input As #1


Do While Not (EOF(1))


Line Input #1, tmp1$ 'Retrieve empl_id

Line Input #1, tmp2$ 'Retrieve empl_name

Line Input #1, tmp3$ 'Re

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