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oracle 常用命令         ★★★★

oracle 常用命令

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1442 更新时间:2009/4/22 22:04:41

1.forcing log switches
sql> alter system switch logfile;

2.forcing checkpoints
sql> alter system checkpoint;

3.adding online redo log groups
sql> alter database add logfile [group 4]
sql> (''''/disk3/log4a.rdo'''',''''/disk4/log4b.rdo'''') size 1m;

4.adding online redo log members
sql> alter database add logfile member
sql> ''''/disk3/log1b.rdo'''' to group 1,
sql> ''''/disk4/log2b.rdo'''' to group 2;

5.changes the name of the online redo logfile
sql> alter database rename file ''''c:/oracle/oradata/oradb/redo01.log''''
sql> to ''''c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log'''';

6.drop online redo log groups
sql> alter database drop logfile group 3;

7.drop online redo log members
sql> alter database drop logfile member ''''c:/oracle/oradata/redo01.log'''';

8.clearing online redo log files
sql> alter database clear [unarchived] logfile ''''c:/oracle/log2a.rdo'''';

9.using logminer analyzing redo logfiles

a. in the init.ora specify utl_file_dir = '''' ''''
b. sql> execute dbms_logmnr_d.build(''''oradb.ora'''',''''c:\oracle\oradb\log'''');
c. sql> execute dbms_logmnr_add_logfile(''''c:\oracle\oradata\oradb\redo01.log'''',
sql> dbms_logmnr.new);
d. sql> execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(''''c:\oracle\oradata\oradb\redo02.log'''',
sql> dbms_logmnr.addfile);
e. sql> execute dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(dictfilename=>''''c:\oracle\oradb\log\oradb.ora'''');
f. sql> select * from v$logmnr_contents(v$logmnr_dictionary,v$logmnr_parameters
sql> v$logmnr_logs);
g. sql> execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr;

1.create tablespaces
sql> create tablespace tablespace_name datafile ''''c:\oracle\oradata\file1.dbf'''' size 100m,
sql> ''''c:\oracle\oradata\file2.dbf'''' size 100m minimum extent 550k [logging/nologging]
sql> default storage (initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500 pctinccease 0)
sql> [online/offline] [permanent/temporary] [extent_management_clause]

2.locally managed tablespace
sql> create tablespace user_data datafile ''''c:\oracle\oradata\user_data01.dbf''''
sql> size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;

3.temporary tablespace
sql> create temporary tablespace temp tempfile ''''c:\oracle\oradata\temp01.dbf''''
sql> size 500m extent management local uniform size 10m;

4.change the storage setting
sql> alter tablespace app_data minimum extent 2m;
sql> alter tablespace app_data default storage(initial 2m next 2m maxextents 999);

5.taking tablespace offline or online
sql> alter tablespace app_data offline;
sql> alter tablespace app_data online;

6.read_only tablespace
sql> alter tablespace app_data read only|write;

7.droping tablespace
sql> drop tablespace app_data including contents;

8.enableing automatic extension of data files
sql> alter tablespace app_data add datafile ''''c:\oracle\oradata\app_data01.dbf'''' size 200m
sql> autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500m;

9.change the size fo data files manually
sql> alter database datafile ''''c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf'''' resize 200m;

10.Moving data files: alter tablespace
sql> alter tablespace app_data rename datafile ''''c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf''''
sql> to ''''c:\oracle\app_data.dbf'''';

11.moving data files:alter database
sql> alter database rename file ''''c:\oracle\oradata\app_data.dbf''''
sql> to ''''c:\oracle\app_data.dbf'''';


1.create a table
sql> create table table_name (column datatype,column datatype]....)
sql> tablespace tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [pctused integer]
sql> [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer]
sql> storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50)
sql> [logging|nologging] [cache|nocache]

2.copy an existing table
sql> create table table_name [logging|nologging] as subquery

3.create temporary table
sql> create global temporary table xay_temp as select * from xay;
on commit preserve rows/on commit delete rows

4.pctfree = (average row size - initial row size) *100 /average row size
pctused = 100-pctfree- (average row size*100/available data space)

5.change storage and block utilization parameter
sql> alter table table_name pctfree=30 pctused=50 storage(next 500k
sql> minextents 2 maxextents 100);

6.manually allocating extents
sql> alter table table_name allocate extent(size 500k datafile ''''c:/oracle/data.dbf'''');

7.move tablespace
sql> alter table employee move tablespace users;

8.deallocate of unused space
sql> alter table table_name deallocate unused [keep integer]

9.truncate a table
sql> truncate table table_name;

10.drop a table
sql> drop table table_name [cascade constraints];

11.drop a column
sql> alter table table_name drop column comments cascade constraints checkpoint 1000;
alter table table_name drop columns continue;

12.mark a column as unused
sql> alter table table_name set unused column comments cascade constraints;
alter table table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000;
alter table orders drop columns continue checkpoint 1000
data_dictionary : dba_unused_col_tabs


1.creating function-based indexes
sql> create index summit.item_quantity on summit.item(quantity-quantity_shipped);

2.create a B-tree index
sql> create [unique] index index_name on table_name(column,.. asc/desc) tablespace
sql> tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer]
sql> [logging | nologging] [nosort] storage(initial 200k next 200k pctincrease 0
sql> maxextents 50);

3.pctfree(index)=(maximum number of rows-initial number of rows)*100/maximum number of rows

4.creating reverse key indexes
sql> create unique index xay_id on xay(a) reverse pctfree 30 storage(initial 200k
sql> next 200k pctincrease 0 maxextents 50) tablespace indx;

5.create bitmap index
sql> create bitmap index xay_id on xay(a) pctfree 30 storage( initial 200k next 200k
sql> pctincrease 0 maxextents 50) tablespace indx;

6.change storage parameter of index
sql> alter index xay_id storage (next 400k maxextents 100);

7.allocating index space
sql> alter index xay_id allocate extent(size 200k datafile ''''c:/oracle/index.dbf'''');

8.alter index xay_id deallocate unused;


1.define constraints as immediate or deferred
sql> alter session set constraint[s] = immediate/deferred/default;
set constraint[s] constraint_name/all immediate/deferred;

2. sql> drop table table_name cascade constraints
sql> drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents cascade constraints

3. define constraints while create a table
sql> create table xay(id number(7) constraint xay_id primary key deferrable
sql> using index storage(initial 100k next 100k) tablespace indx);
primary key/unique/references table(column)/check

4.enable constraints
sql> alter table xay enable novalidate constraint xay_id;

5.enable constraints
sql> alter table xay enable validate constraint xay_id;


1.loading data using direct_load insert
sql> insert /*+append */ into emp nologging
sql> select * from emp_old;

2.parallel direct-load insert
sql> alter session enable parallel dml;
sql> insert /*+parallel(emp,2) */ into emp nologging
sql> select * from emp_old;

3.using sql*loader
sql> sqlldr scott/tiger \
sql> control = ulcase6.ctl \
sql> log = ulcase6.log direct=true

第七章:reorganizing data

1.using expoty
$exp scott/tiger tables(dept,emp) file=c:\emp.dmp log=exp.log compress=n direct=y

2.using import
$imp scott/tiger tables(dept,emp) file=emp.dmp log=imp.log ignore=y

3.transporting a tablespace
sql>alter tablespace sales_ts read only;
$exp sys/.. file=xay.dmp transport_tablespace=y tablespace=sales_ts
triggers=n constraints=n
$copy datafile
$imp sys/.. file=xay.dmp transport_tablespace=y datafiles=(/disk1/sles01.dbf,/disk2
sql> alter tablespace sales_ts read write;

4.checking transport set
sql> DBMS_tts.transport_set_check(ts_list =>''''sales_ts'''' ..,incl_constraints=>true);
在表transport_set_violations 中查看
sql> dbms_tts.isselfcontained 为true 是, 表示自包含

第八章: managing password security and resources

1.controlling account lock and password
sql> alter user juncky identified by oracle account unlock;

2.user_provided password function
sql> function_name(userid in varchar2(30),password in varchar2(30),
old_password in varchar2(30)) return boolean

3.create a profile : password setting
sql> create profile grace_5 limit failed_login_attempts 3
sql> password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30
sql>password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function
sql> password_grace_time 5;

4.altering a profile
sql> alter profile default failed_login_attempts 3
sql> password_life_time 60 password_grace_time 10;

5.drop a profile
sql> drop profile grace_5 [cascade];

6.create a profile : resource limit
sql> create profile developer_prof limit sessions_per_user 2
sql> cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480;

7. view => resource_cost : alter resource cost

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