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ASA Unix版本常见问题解答         ★★★★

ASA Unix版本常见问题解答

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2933 更新时间:2009/4/22 23:09:14
. The ALT key does not work in dbisql (or dbisqlc).
A21. Some terminals do not allow dbisql to distinguish when the ALT key is being used. To enter an ALT- key in dbisql, use CTRL-A followed by the key to which the ALT modifier is to be applied. For example, to see the File menu, type CTRL-A f. If you are using dbisql from a remote terminal such as a VT100 emulator you may be able to configure the terminal to use "emacs mode" so that it will send ALT-<key> as ESC <key>. dbisql will also recognize these escape sequences. You can type ESC <key> yourself but they must be typed in quick succession otherwise the keys will be interpreted individually.

Q22. The function keys F1 to F10 do not work in dbisql (or dbisqlc).
A22. On terminals for which function keys do not appear to be supported in dbisql, you can use CTRL-F followed by a single digit for the function key number. For example, you can enter F4 by typing CTRL-F 4. Use CTRL-F 0 for F10. If necessary, key sequences can also be defined for SHIFT and CTRL to be applied to the next key (so that SHIFT-<FunctionKey> or CTRL-PgDown can be entered). These sequences are controlled by a terminfo extension
(tix) file. dbisql first looks for ${TERM}.tix in ${HOME}, /opt/SYBSasa6/tix,/opt/SYBSasa6/bin, and then throughout ${PATH}. If ${TERM}.tix is not found, dbisql will search for default.tix in the same directories.

Q23. On RedHat 7.0 or Mandrake Linux, dbisqlc fails to start, with the message "Unable to initialize screen routines:".
A23. These distributions shipped with libncurses.so.5, and dbisqlc expects libncurses.so.4. To fix this, either install the latest EBF, or obtain libncurses.so.4 and put it into your ASA lib directory. This problem is fixed in version 6.0.3 (build 2993 and later), version 6.0.4, and all later versions.

Q24. I can create a database with a very long name, but I cannot start an engine on it. 
A24. Long engine names are truncated to 32 characters on Unix (not 40 as documented) and if no name is specified, by default it becomes the filename (without the extension). You can get around this by giving the engine a shorter name, for example:
dbeng7 -n ashortname a12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890.db

Q25. How do I reduce the amount of data ASA places into my messages file?
A25. To prevent any messages being logged to /var/log/messages you can start the server using the switch -s none. For example:
dbsrv7 -s none asademo.db
Or, you can use the -o <filename> switch to dump the messages to the file <filename>.

Q26. ASA6 server on Linux with Win clients hanging during queries
A26. There were some TCP/IP problems in Linux that impacted users both of ASA and of the free distribution of ASE for Linux in a similar way. The TCP/IP problem on Linux was fixed in one of the more recent stable Linux kernel releases.

Q27. Can I use SQL Remote under Unix?
A27. Yes. As in Windows, SQL Remote uses the SQLREMOTE environment variable to determine where to store messages. If none is supplied, the current directory is assumed to be the parent directory for the messages. Only the 'file' message type is supported at this time.

Q28. Using PHP, and connecting to ASA via the Sybase ct-libraries. It appears that we can only connect to the first of several databases started on that server.
A28. TDS does enable you to specify which database to use as jConnect supports the specifying a service name that equates to a database, similar to isql -D switch. PHP3 apparently does not expose this capability. It is preferable to use the ODBC interface.

Q29. I have just installed ASA6 for Linux on a pretty basic RedHat 6 setup and cannot start a database engine. I have added all the environment settings, such as path and shared library path. When trying to start dbeng6 or dbsrv6 the following error occurs:
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: dl-version.c: 210: _dl_check_map_versions: Assertion `needed != ((void *)0)' fail!
A29. If you get this message, it means that you have the version of ASA for RedHat 5.1/5.2. Call customer support at 1-800-8SYBASE. They can supply a version that does support RedHat 6.

Q30. Server crash on Linux with Segmentation fault
A30. Segmentation faults occur under Unix when an invalid memory location is addressed. This problem typically occurs when your libraries are not of the correct type. RedHat comes with glibc, but also provides support libraries for libc5-based programs. Thus, make sure that the engine is not using these libc5 libraries (you may have to modify /etc/modules.conf, run `ldconfig`, and setup your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, although the latter is normally not required under Linux if you have done the first two).

Q31. How can I make ASA start automatically when the computer starts?
A31. Under RedHat 6.1 one would:

  1. Go to the directory: /etc/rc.d/init/
  2. Copy the startup script `httpd` to `asa`. this file will provide you with a template on which to create your own script.
  3. Modify the `asa` script as necessary to start the ASA server (instead of the httpd server). Make sure you add commands to stop the server when Linux is shut down.
  4. Using the RedHat utility `chkconfig`, add the script to the appropriate runlevels (3 for sure -- the others, such as the xdm session, are up to you. Alternatively, Sybase has made available a script file to do this. You can download it from the SDN at: http://sybase.com/developer/mobilewirelessdeveloper/. Click on 'Downloads', then on 'NEXT>', then on 'Adaptive Server Anywhere - Automatic Start-up and Shutdown Utility'.

Q32. Can I run ASA 6 on FreeBSD?
A32. No. At the root of the problem is that the executable formats are different; that is, programs compiled and linked on Linux platforms may be organized to start at memory address $10000 (and that is where the loader starts them), whereas this address will be different on FreeBSD. Further complications arise in the C libraries (glibc versus libc), etc.

Q33. When I start dbsrv6 on Linux it allocates 26 processes. Why?
A33. ASA for Linux uses a posix thread implementation. You see many processes because of how posix threads are implemented on Linux. Under the covers of the pthread_create call is a call to clone(), which is little more than a different version of fork(). clone creates a new process (like fork), but causes both parent and child to use the same data address space, letting them share data. (Note: fork causes parent and child to get each its own copy of the address space). The kernel is optimized somewhat to minimize the cost of a context switch between "cloned" processes.

LinuxThreads follows a "one-to-one" model: each thread is actually a separate process in the kernel. The kernel scheduler takes care of scheduling the threads, just like it schedules regular processes. The threads are created with the Linux clone() system call, which is a generalization of fork() allowing the new process to share the memory space, file descriptors, and signal handlers of the parent. The main disadvantage of this approach is that it is expensive to perform context switches. (For more information, see: http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/faq.html.)

With respect to tasking models, NT provides some efficient tasking gear (I/O completion ports and fibres) that ASA can use to throttle concurrency on SMP machines and thereby minimize unnecessary context switching. The I/O completion ports also allow for efficient handling of asynchronous IO on files and TCP/IP streams. Linux has no comparable facilities.

Q34. Are the Open Client libraries for Linux available separately or do I need to download the entire ASE software?
A34. The Open Client libraries are not included with ASA. SQL Anywhere version 5.5.x did deploy the RUNTIME versions of Open Client. Since SQL Anywhere 6.x (ASA) natively supports TDS, it no longer requires the OC libraries. Thus, it does not deploy the runtime version of OC. The install of SQL Remote for ASE (not ASA) does include the runtime OC libraries. The install of Replication Agent for ASA also includes the runtime libraries of OC.

Q35. Where can I get the DBD::ASAny (Perl) driver?
A35. http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SM/SMIRNIOS/DBD-ASAny-1.04.tar.gz

Q36. I need to change the FTP host for dbremote. Where are the parameters stored on the Linux version? I was prompted for the host name, username, etc. the first time I replicated with the old hostname. It apparently saved these parameter values.
A36. The message control parameters are held in the database. You can set the options as follows:
To set a message control parameter (Adaptive Server Anywhere):
Execute the following statement:
[username.]option-name = option-value
To set a message control parameter (Adaptive Server Enterprise):
Execute the following statement:
exec sp_link_option link-name, [username], option-name, option-value
You can see the current message link parameters by querying the sys.sysremoteoptions view (Adaptive Server Anywhere) or the sr_remoteoptions view (Adaptive Server Enterprise).

Q37. Which newsgroups are

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