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重置SQL Remote消息         ★★★★

重置SQL Remote消息

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2043 更新时间:2009/4/22 23:09:15
ould handle conflicts during normal operation, please refer to the following section of the documentation:
Replication and Syncronization Guide
PART 3. Replication Design for SQL Remote
CHAPTER 15. SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Anywhere
Managing conflicts
URL: http://manuals.sybase.com:80/onlinebooks/group-sas/awg0700e/dbrsen7/@Generic__BookView

Applying the Inserts/Updates/Deletes

Once you have identified the rows which need to be moved or modified, you can execute SQL statements involving the proxy tables to modify the rows. When performing the required inserts, Syntax 2 of the INSERT statement allows an insert statement to use a SELECT subquery to generate the rows to be inserted.
For more information on Syntax 2 of the INSERT statement, please refer to the following section of the documentation:
ASA Reference Manual
CHAPTER 9. SQL Statements
INSERT statement
URL: http://manuals.sybase.com:80/onlinebooks/group-sas/awg0700e/dbrfen7/@Generic__BookView


One-way Publication

-a one-way publication is a publication which exists at either a consolidated or a remote node in a replicating system
-since the publication only exists on one side, data moves in one direction only

Bi-directional Publication

-a bi-directional publication is a publication which exists at both the consolidated and remote node(s) along with corresponding subscriptions
-since the publication exists on both sides, data moves in both directions
-this is the default behavior when you use the Extraction utility to generate your remote databases

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