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设计数据仓库的注意事项(PartII)         ★★★★


作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1452 更新时间:2009/4/22 23:21:20
hose who should be there. Use control deals with insuring each facility or physical structure is used in accordance with corporate policy, and those present comply with all safety and regulatory requirements. Loss prevention involves protecting both corporate and personal property from theft or loss through other means (fire, vandalism, etc.), as well as providing for the safety of those individuals who are working at or visiting at the facility.

Physical Maintenance Staff

The physical maintenance staff ?janitors, plumbers, electricians and facilities planners ?can provide additional information to your project team. Although this group is seldom included in project requirements planning sessions, their input can be essential.


Assessing the facilities available to your project team for the design and development phases, as well as identifying the physical locations for hardware and for the long-term warehouse operations team are vital to insuring the project can be completed.

If you are unable to find workspace and meeting rooms for your team members, the project will be delayed at best. If you fail to identify the room in which your database server will be located ?and reserve the required space and utilities as soon as possible ?you may find yourself with a complete project plan and excellent design documentation, but with no place to set the hardware.

You will also need to verify that team members can access, both physically and through telecommunications, the various locations associated with your project. They also need to know the dates and times access is valid for each facility, and what, if any, prior notifications and approvals are necessary.

For each of the involved facilities, you need at least some participation from personnel assigned to that facility, primarily the facilities maintenance staff. These are the people who can best advise you on those factors that will limit your options in this respect.

Maintenance Schedules

The facilities maintenance teams will also be able to advise your team as to scheduled maintenance activities that will affect your project schedule. Such maintenance activities include: new construction, repairs, telecommunications updates, power grid maintenance and large scale personnel relocations.

The facilities team members will also be able to advise your project team on estimated down times for unscheduled maintenance activities. These activities are typically associated with external problems completely outside the control of your organization. Your organization will most likely have a plan in place for the restoration of services should any such problem occur. This is the information that the facilities team members can provide and thus save your team the effort of reconstructing the supporting estimates and disaster recovery plans.


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