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Hello World:解剖 ASP.NET 项目         ★★★★

Hello World:解剖 ASP.NET 项目

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2049 更新时间:2009/4/23 10:48:40
or you come up with your own implementation of session state. ASP .NET introduces a new way of handling Session data. You could use session the way it is used currently, or you could use a separate process (on the same machine or a separate machine) to store session data. You could even persist session data in a database. Again, this is entirely declarative and you don''''t have to change a single line of code to support this. This is a very powerful way to handle session data without having to implement a custom implementation.


When I wrote my first Hello World in C, I used the following code

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
	printf ("Hello World");
	return 1;

My next Hello World was in C++, which took a few more lines, and then I moved over to Windows Programming in SDK, Windows Programming in MFC, COM Programming, COM Programming in ATL and slowly the complexity of the Hello World programs kept increasing. The same holds true for the Hello World that I wrote for ASP .NET. As you can see from the above code, the code needed to write a Hello World example takes far more than 7 lines. However, most of the code that is present is to support the framework and the plumbing needed to build complex real world applications. This is certainly true for ASP .NET, which is a huge huge improvement over traditional ASP, and Microsoft has brought VB-like development to the web. In future articles, I will dig deeper into the guts of ASP .NET.

Happy .Netting !

Additional Information:

  • An Overview of ASP.NET
  • Transitioning To ASP.NET - Part 1 Server Controls

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