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ASP.NET 从Beta1 升级到 Beta2 的新变化         ★★★★

ASP.NET 从Beta1 升级到 Beta2 的新变化

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:3490 更新时间:2009/4/23 10:48:41
ystem.Web.Services.Configuration.SoapExtensionType should be internal, not public.

System.Web.Services.Configuration.SoapExtensionType and an inner enum, PriorityGroup should be internal. It is only used internally in System.Web.Services.dll (in the Configuration and Protocols namespaces under System).

         Added a property, ContainsListCollection, to System.ComponentModel.IlistSource

The updated IListSource would be:

interface IListSource {

bool ContainsListCollection { get; }

IList GetList();


This change should not require code changes.Only DataSet and DataTable currently implement this interface.

         Removed System.Web.UI.Design.WebControlToolboxItem::get_TagPrefix and System.Web.UI.TagPrefixAttribute.

Remove TagPrefix property of WebControlToolboxItem. Remove the TagPrefixAttribute class. These are no longer used by the Visual Studio.NET designer.

         Removed WebServiceRedirectException and WebServiceTimeoutException.

WebServiceRedirectException and WebServiceTimeoutException are not needed. This same information, along with much more, can be caught using the WebException from NCL.

         WSDL.exe changed method name to capitalize the first letter.

         Changed SoapElementAttribute and the other Soap*Attribute classes to be EncodedXmlElement, and so on.

All attributes that are currently Soap*Attribute will not be called EncodedXmlAttribute, since they are XML that is encoded and SOAP can use either of the following.

[SoapElement]public string Name;

[EncodedXmlElement]public string Name;

         RegexCharClass is now internal.

This class was only public so that expressions in compiled assemblies could call CharInSet. An additional method is being added to RegexRunner for this purpose. This class was private in Beta 1.  

         Regex.GroupNameFromNumber returns "" instead of null.

When a group could not be found, Regex.GroupNameFromNumber returned null.It now returns String.Empty.The method signature is unchanged.

string str = Regex.GroupNameFromNumber(1);if( str != null ) ConsumeGroupName(str);  

string str = Regex.GroupNameFromNumber(1);if( str != String.Empty ) ConsumeGroupName(str);

This does not appear to be used outside of its implementation.

         Moved System.Management Instrumentation classes/custom attributes from System.Management to System.Management.Instrumentation.

This change will affect DefaultManagementProjectInstaller, EventProvision, Instrumentation, ManagementInstaller, ProvisionFunction, ProvisionType Attributes:InheritedPropertyAttribute, InstrumentedAttribute, ManagedDefaultValueAttribute, ManagedNameAttribute, ManagedTypeAttr.

         A number of classes within System.Data, primarily associated with DataViews and DataViewManager, were marked as obsolete and have been removed,

         Deleted System.Web.UI.WebControls.OptionalIntegerConverter.

This type converter was added to allow showing a blank string in the properties window instead of "-1".This actually causes more problems than it solves, so it抯 being removed.

         Removed Indexed PixelFormat enums.

PixelFormat enums removed: Format1bppIndexed, Format4bppIndexed, Format8bppIndexed, Indexed.

         ProcessThreadCollection and ProcessModuleCollection have been marked "read only."

         Removed set_Item from the collections.

The default constructor is protected. A constructor that takes an array of modules/threads has been added.

         Generated SoapHeader variable names now end with "Value".

When WSDL.exe generates a proxy with SOAP headers specified in the WSDL, the SoapHeaders variable names now end with "Value".

         [XmlElement(*)] functionality has been replaced with [XmlAnyElement].

When you want to indicate that the XmlElement can take any xml, you formerly used the [XmlElement(*)] syntax. This has been replaced by the [XmlAnyElement] attribute.

         Changed GetWebRequest(string url) to GetWebRequest(Uri uri).

On the client protocol, there is a protected method that creates the new Web request for making the Web service call:

protected virtual WebRequest GetWebRequest(string url)

changed to    

protected virtual WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri.

         WebClientProtocol and MimeReturnReader methods have been removed.

The following methods have been removed:

protected virtual void InitializeAsyncRequest(WebRequest request),

object internalAsyncState) {    ?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">      }          

protected virtual void WriteAsyncRequest(Stream requestStream).  

         CodeIdentifiers methods have been removed.

The following methods that are no longer used In System.Xml.Serialization have been removed:

public class CodeIdentifiers {..}        

public void Remove(string identifier) {..}         

public void RemoveReserved(string identifier) {..}

         Breaking Change: Web.config true/false and enumeration values are case-sensitive.

All values of XML attributes are now case-sensitive, including boolean [true/false] and all enumeration values.

         Added System.Web.UI.TagPrefixAttribute.

Added TagPrefixAttribute (assembly-level attribute) to map namespaces to tag prefixes.

         IWebFormServices has been removed; IWebFormsDocumentService was added with similar functionality.

         System.Web.UI.Design.IwebFormReferenceManagerhas changed.

The following method has been added: Type GetObjectType(string tagPrefix, string typeName).

         Replaced System.Web.UI.Design.IWebFormsBuilderService with IWebFormsBuilderUIService.

The interface is the same except that the System.Web.UI.Design.IWebFormsBuilderUIService method takes an additional parameter of type UrlBuilderOptions.

         TemplateParser.ParseDesignerModeControl and ParseDesignerModeTemplate have changed.

This functionality has been moved into a class called DesignTimeTemplateParser.The methods are now called ParseControl and ParseTemplate. The methods take a parameter of type DesignTimeParseData. You use this class to pass in the parse text.

         Template-editing changes have been made for ASP.NET control designers deriving from TemplatedControlDesigner.

TemplateEditingFrame functionality has been split into ITemplateEditingFrame and TemplateEditingVerb.

         The old JScript CodeDom provider in System.dll has been removed.

The class Microsoft.JScript.CodeDomProvider has been moved from System.dll to Microsoft.JScript.dll.

         System.Web.Caching.Cache.MaxItems is obsolete and has been removed.

This property is not implemented.

         Passport 1.4 is now required.

ASP.NET now supports Passport 1.4, which requires the 1.4 build of the Passport SDK. There are no breaking changes, but PassportIdentity now supports AuthUrl2, LogoTag2, and LoginUser, which directly call the IPassportManager2 methods.

         Unknown SOAP headers cannot be required.

         DataRowState.New and DataViewRowState.New to DataRowState.Added and DataViewRowState.Added have changed.

Due to a recent change in the VISUAL BASIC compiler, VISUAL BASIC users now have to [bracket] any enum values with the name "New". If these aren''''t [bracket]ed, you will get an error when code is compiled.


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