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What is quality -- the experts opinion         ★★★★

What is quality -- the experts opinion

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:722 更新时间:2009/4/23 10:51:33

What is quality -- the experts opinion

“Only through the collective efforts of their individual
members do companies change; companies are
incapable of changing themselves.”
-- V. Daniel Hunt
 This question has been debated for many years and varies considerably even with the quality experts (as outlined in the comparison tables below).  For certain, the experts agree, the outcome affects all businesses today and will continue to do so in the future.

(note: this comparison was originally based on
an article published in the "Quality" magazine, May 1992)

Table 1 - A comparison of Deming, Juran, and Crosby
W. Deming
J.M. Juran
P. Crosby
Basic orientation toward quality Technical Process Motivational What is quality? Nonfaulty systems Fitness for use; freedom from trouble Conformance to requirements Who is responsible for quality? Management Management Management Importance of customer requirements as standard Very important Very important; customers at each step of product life cycle Very important Goal of quality Meet/exceed customer needs; continuous improvement Please customer; continuous improvement Continuous improvement; zero defects Methods for achieving quality Statistical; constancy of purpose; continual improvement; cooperation between functions Cost of quality; quality trilogy: planning, control, improvement 14-point framework; Chief elements of implementation 14-point program Breakthrough projects; quality council; quality teams 14-step program; cost of quality; quality management "maturity grid" Role of training Very important for managers and workers Very important for managers and employees Very important for managers and employees For additional details, see web site: The W. Edwards Deming Institute Juran Institute Philip Crosby Associates II

Table 2 - A comparison of Garvin, Felgenbaum, and Taguchi

D. Garvin
A.V. Felgenbaum
G. Taguchi
Basic orientation toward quality Strategic, academic Total, systemic Technical, proactive What is quality? Competitive opportunity What customer says it is Customer''''s performance requirements Who is responsible for quality? Management Everyone Engineers Importance of customer requirements as standard Very important Very important Very important Goal of quality Pleasing customers; continuous improvement Meet customer needs; continuous improvement Meet customer requirements; continuous improvement Methods for achieving quality Identifying quality niches Total quality control (TQC); excellence-driven rather than defect-driven Statistical methods such as Loss Function; eliminating variations of design characteristics and "noise" through robust design and processes Chief elements of implementation Eight dimensions of product quality: performance, features, reliability,
conformance, durability, serviceability, aesthetics, perceived quality Statistical and engineering methods across the company Statistical design of experiments; quality teams Role of training Important but not clearly defined Very important for managers and supervisors Important but not defined For additional details, see web site:

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