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Shell company代表性考题         

Shell company代表性考题

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:845 更新时间:2007/11/11 1:42:58

    Shell company:

1.How wold your colleagues /classmates describe you in five words? On what evidence would they base this assessment.

2.If you are asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what would you do to attract them? What would you do to select them?

3.Please describe a new activity that you have initiated and implemented. Please highlight your role out.

4. Please describe your outstanding non-academic achievements.

5.Please describe any other significant activities you have been involved in including organizing people.

6. Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland province of China, near a large river. You are responsible for planning how to transport the oil to the coast thousands of miles away. What are the main issue you would consider, and what would you do?

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