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setTimeout 的用法详细介绍         ★★★★

setTimeout 的用法详细介绍

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:736 更新时间:2009/4/23 11:28:02
例子: <SCRIPT> var g_oToHide = null; function fnHide(oToHide){ g_oToHide = oToHide; window.setTimeout(fnHide2, 3000); } function fnHide2(sID){ if (g_oToHide) { g_oToHide.style.display="none"; } } </SCRIPT> <INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Now you see me ..." ID="oHideButton" onclick="fnHide(this)">   解释: Evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds has elapsed. Syntax
iTimerID = window.setTimeout(vCode, iMilliSeconds [, sLanguage])

vCode Required. Variant that specifies the function pointer or string that indicates the code to be executed when the specified interval has elapsed. iMilliSeconds Required. Integer that specifies the number of milliseconds. sLanguage Optional. String that specifies one of the following values: JScript Language is JScript. VBScript Language is VBScript. JavaScript Language is JavaScript.

Return Value Integer. Returns an identifier that cancels the evaluation with the clearTimeout method. Remarks In versions earlier than Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5, the first argument of setTimeout must be a string. Evaluation of the string is deferred until the specified interval elapses. As of Internet Explorer 5, the first argument of setTimeout can be a string or a function pointer. The specified expression or function is evaluated once. For repeated evaluation, use the setInterval method. When you use the setTimeout method with Introduction to DHTML Behaviors, the value of vCode should be a function pointer to call a function within the HTML Component (HTC) file or a string to call a function in the primary document.   Made in blog.csdn.net/leavecd 欢迎转载。

[Web开发]setTimeout 和 setInterval 的区别  
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