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ajax_javascript_librabries         ★★★★


作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1584 更新时间:2009/4/23 11:30:54

jspkg is a package loader for Javascript, based on pluggable loaders for locating and loading scripts into a client-side Javascript application. It is designed to work best with unobtrusive Javascript libraries, but doesn’t impose any methodology or design on its users.

Homepage: http://jspkg.sourceforge.net/

AjaxCaller is a thin XMLHttpRequest wrapper used in all the AjaxPatterns demos. The focus is on ease-of-use and full HTTP method support.

Homepage: http://ajaxify.com/run/testAjaxCaller/

The XmlRequest library contains a two public request functions, getXml and postXml, that may be used to send synchronous and asynchronous XML Http requests from Internet Explorer and Mozilla.

Homepage: http://www.whitefrost.com/reference/2005/09/09/libXmlRequest.html

Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible. Capable of stubbing calls to numerous server-side platforms: ASP/ ColdFusion/ Io/ Lua/ Perl/ PHP/ Python/ Ruby

Homepage: http://www.modernmethod.com/sajax/
Demo: http://www.modernmethod.com/sajax/examples.phtml

A small library for making dynamic HTML programming easy and fun.

Homepage: http://www.sarmal.com/sardalya/Default.aspx
Demo: http://www.sarmal.com/sardalya/Samples.aspx

One of the best javascript libraries out there.

Homepage: http://www.cross-browser.com/toys/

AjaxRequest is a layer over the XMLHttpRequest functionality which makes the communication between Javascript and the server easier for developers.

Homepage: http://ajaxtoolbox.com/request/
Documentation: http://ajaxtoolbox.com/request/documentation.php
Demo: http://ajaxtoolbox.com/request/examples.php

moo.ajax is a very simple ajax class, to be used with prototype.lite from moo.fx.

Homepage: http://www.mad4milk.net/entry/moo.ajax
Demo: http://www.mad4milk.net/examples/mooajax/

PHP based AJAX Frameworks:

AjaxAC is an open-source framework written in PHP, used to develop/create/generate AJAX applications. The fundamental idea behind AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is to use the XMLHttpRequest object to change a web page state using background HTTP sub-requests without reloading the entire page.

Homepage: http://ajax.zervaas.com.au

XOAD, formerly known as NAJAX, is a PHP based AJAX/XAP object oriented framework that allows you to create richer web applications.

Homepage: http://www.xoad.org
Documentation: http://www.xoad.org/documentation/source/
Demo: http://www.xoad.org/examples/

zephyr is an ajax based framework for php5 developers. you can easily develop business applications using this robust framework. this is extremely easy to learn and very simple to implement.

Homepage: http://zephyr-php.sourceforge.net/

What is the PAJAJ framework, it stands for (PHP Asynchronous Javascript and JSON). It is a object oriented Ajax framework written in PHP5 for development of event driven PHP web applications.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pajaj/
Documentation: http://www.wassons.org/pajaj/public/docs/index.php

A PHP 5 Development Framework inspired by Rails. It has integrated database abstraction and support for AJAX. Installation is fairly easy. Symfony is aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context. This means that you have full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized. To match your enterprise’s development guidelines, symfony is bundled with additional tools helping you to test, debug and document your project.

AjaxBlog: http://ajaxblog.com/arc…….application-in-php-in-minutes-with-symfony

Homepage: www.symfony-project.com
Documentation: http://www.symfony-project.com/content/documentation.html

xajax is an open source PHP class library that allows you to easily create powerful, web-based, Ajax applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Applications developed with xajax can asynchronously call server-side PHP functions and update content without reloading the page.

Homepage: http://xajax.sourceforge.net/

Provides PHP and JavaScript libraries for performing AJAX (Communication from JavaScript to your server without reloading the page)

Homepage: http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_AJAX
Documentation: http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_AJAX/docs

Flexible AJAX
Flexible Ajax is a handler to combine the remote scripting technology, also known as AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML), with a php-based backend.

Homepage: http://tripdown.de/flxajax/
Demo: http://tripdown.de/flexible_ajax_example.php

Javascript libs for Flash:

FlashObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Macromedia Flash content.

Homepage: http://blog.deconcept.com/flashobject/

OSFlash - Flashjs
The Flash JavaScript Integration Kit allows developers to get the best of the Flash and HTML worlds by enabling JavaScript to invoke ActionScript functions, and vice versa.

Homepage: http://www.osflash.org/doku.php?id=flashjs
Documentation: http://www.mustardlab.com/developer/flash/jscommunication/

A JavaScript Library for Macromedia’s Flash™ Platform. AFLAX is a method through which developers may use JavaScript and Flash together to create AJAX-type applications, but with a much richer set of vector drawing controls than are available in either Internet Explorer or FireFox. Developers using this library have access to the full range of Flash features, but without ever touching the Flash IDE.

Homepage: http://www.aflax.org

Java based AJAX Frameworks:

ZK is an AJAX-based solution for developing Web applications in Java. ZK includes an event-driven engine to automate interactivity, and a rich set of XUL-based components.

Homepage: http://zk1.sourceforge.net
Demo: http://www.potix.com/zkdemo/userguide

jWic is a java-based development framework for developing dynamic web applications with the convenience and familiarity of ‘rich client’ style programming. The component-based, event-driven programming model makes it easy for developers to quickly create flexible and robust web applications.

Homepage: http://www.jwic.de/home/
Documentation: http://www.jwic.de/home/documentation.htm
Demo: http://www.jwic.de/home/demo.htm

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