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VB术语表         ★★★★


作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:3323 更新时间:2009/4/23 16:38:10
A statement that violates one or more rules of a programming language.

Tab Function: Used with the Print # statement and the Print method to move to the position at which the next character is printed.

Tab Order: The order in which controls receive focus when the user presses the Tab key.

Table: A logical grouping of related information arranged in rows (records) and columns (fields), in a similar fashion to a spreadsheet.

Tan Function: Returns the tangent of the angle n. The angle n is expressed in radians.

Telephony: Converting sound to electrical signals, transmitting the signals to another location, and reconverting the signals to sound, using physical connecting wires or radio. Also refers to the integration of computers and software applications with telephone systems.

Thin Client: In a client/server environment, a client that processes only keyboard input and screen output; the server does all application processing. See also: Fat Client, Fat Server.

Third-Party Add-In: A tool for use in the VB development environment. Products in this category range from simple tools for aligning controls on forms to complex tools that create an entire app structure. Third-party add-ins are less risky than third-party controls because your application does not depend on them.

Third-Party Control: A self-contained component that extends VB app functionality, such as spellcheckers, bound combo boxes, and multimedia components.

Three-Tier: See N-Tier.

Time Function: Returns the current time from the system clock.

Timer Event: Occurs when a preset interval for a timer control has elapsed.

Timer Function: Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 12 a.m.

TimeSerial Function: Returns the time serial for a specific hour, minute, and second. The statement TimeSerial(16, 35, 17) returns 4:35:17 p.m.

TimeValue Function: Returns the time represented by a String argument.

Transaction: A series of programming commands performed as a single unit. If one of the commands fails, the entire transaction fails and any work done up to that point is rolled back to its original state.

Tuple: A record, or row, in an RDBMS. See also: Relational Database.

UBound Function: Returns the largest available subscript for the indicated dimension of an array. This function returns the upper limit of an array and can be used with LBound to find the size of an array. If you create an array of elements from 1 to 100 UBound(Array) returns 100. See also: LBound Function.

UCase Function: Returns a string in which all letters of an argument have been converted to uppercase.

Unified Modeling Language (UML): An object-oriented design language. UML consolidates popular object-oriented design methodologies into a single standard.

Unload Event: Occurs when a form is about to be removed from the screen.

Updated Event: Occurs when an object''''s data has been modified.

User Interface (UI): The portion of the program with which the user interacts, consisting of menus, screen design, input devices, and command language. Windows has a graphical user interface (GUI), compared to DOS''''s command-line interface See also: Graphical User Interface.

Val Function: Converts a string value to a number.

Validate Event: Occurs before focus shifts to a second control that has its CausesValidation property set to True. This event works with the CausesValidation property to prevent a control from losing focus before certain criteria are met.

Variable: A container used to temporarily hold data in the program. You can store numbers, names, and property values in variables.

Variant: A special data type that can contain numeric, string, or date data as well as the special values Empty and Null. The Variant data type is the default for Visual Basic when a data type is not explicitly declared. It is the data type that all variables become if they are not explicitly declared as another type.

VarType Function: Returns a value that indicates how a Variant data type is stored internally by Visual Basic.

VBX Custom Control: A custom control that can be used only with 16-bit versions of Visual Basic.


Weekday Function: Returns a whole number representing the day of the week.

Wizards: Question and answer dialog boxes that guide users through the process step-by-step. Visual Basic has a number of wizards such as the Application Wizard, the Class Builder Wizard, and the Toolbar Wizard.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get): An onscreen display method that shows documents and graphic characters as they will appear when printed.

Year Function: Returns the year portion of the specified date. The syntax Year("3/15/99") returns "1999".

Z-Order: A relative ordering that determines how controls overlap on a form. The first control in the form description establishes the bottom of the z-order. Controls that appear later in the form description are higher in the z-order and thus overlap controls that are lower in the z-order.


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