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2004.11.30.Using the StarTeam Integration         ★★★★

2004.11.30.Using the StarTeam Integration

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1415 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:28:56
*    Create and edit items other than files, such as change requests, requirements, tasks, and topics

*    Apply labels to a file, an item, a group of files, or a group of items

*    Establish process items and rules to help you link and track changes to your files

These features will help you assign and track responsibilities for tasks throughout your project. The client that can be launched from within Delphi 2005 provides even more features and functions for managing your files and projects, such as the ability to generate reports and charts, and administer user accounts and servers.

Delphi 2005 Features

Some features and behaviors of the StarTeam integration are specific to Delphi 2005. Beyond the embedded client, the most obvious of these is the support for Delphi 2005 projects and project groups. The StarTeam integration provides commands for placing, pulling, and updating Delphi 2005 projects and project groups, as well as for committing changes to all files in a project. Additionally, the integration provides quick access to StarTeam commands through context menus in the Project Manager. The StarTeam integration works together with the Delphi 2005 History Manager to display both local and StarTeam version information for the active file. You can use the History Manager to compare the contents of your current working file with revisions of the file in the StarTeam repository. You can also revert the contents of your working file to any StarTeam revision. The StarTeam integration supports file renaming and deleting. When you rename or delete a file in your project, the StarTeam integration will automatically carry out the changes on the repository when you commit the project. Similarly, if a team member has renamed or deleted files, and committed the changes, the changes are carried out in your local project when you update the project. This capability prevents loss of revision information when a file is renamed or moved.

Note: If the file renaming or deletions made in your local project conflict with changes made by another team member in the StarTeam Client, you must manually resolve the pending renaming or deletion of files. The Pending Renames/Deletes dialog box ( StarTeam Pending Renames/Deletes) lets you commit any pending local file renames or deletions to the repository or cancel the pending operations.

When the Structure View displays the folder hierarchy for your StarTeam project, the Structure View includes a toolbar with the following features:

*   A drop-down list of paths to the folders you''''ve previously selected. Choose a path from the drop-down list to go to that StarTeam folder in the current hierarchy. The most recently selected folder sorts to the top.

*   A Refresh button. Click this button to update the information in the current tree.

*   A button for selecting which node in the folder hierarchy to show as the root folder, the project or the view. This button is available when the project and view are not at the same level.


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