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2004.11.29.Code Editor         ★★★★

2004.11.29.Code Editor

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1299 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:29:25
ing and implementing new classes by generating skeleton code for the class members that you declare. By positioning the cursor within a class declaration in the interface section of a unit and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C, any unfinished property declarations are completed. For any methods that require an implementation, empty methods are added to the implementation section.

Code Browsing

While using the Code Editor to edit a VCL Form application, you can hold down the CTRL key while passing the mouse over the name of any class, variable, property, method, or other identifier. The mouse pointer turns into a hand and the identifier appears highlighted and underlined; click on it, and the Code Editor jumps to the declaration of the identifier, opening the source file if necessary. You can do the same thing by right-clicking on an identifier and choosing Find Declaration. Code browsing can find and open only units in the project Search path or Source path, or in the product Browsing or Library path. Directories are searched in the following order:

1.    The project Search path ( Project Options Directories/Conditionals).

2.   The project Source path (the directory in which the project was saved).

3.   The global Browsing path ( Tools Options Library).

4.   The global Library path ( Tools Options Library).

The Library path is searched only if there is no project open in the IDE. Code browsing cannot find identifiers declared in new, unsaved unit files, and it does not work in package projects.

Code Snippets

Code snippets are commonly used programming statements, such as if, while, and for statements, that you can insert into your code. When the Code Editor is open, you can double-click a code snippet on the Tool Palette to add it to your code. You can also create your own code snippets by selecting code in the Code Editor, pressing the ALT key, and dragging the code to the Tool Palette.

Code Folding

Code folding lets you collapse sections of the code to create a hierarchal view of your code and to make it easier to read and navigate. The collapsed code is not deleted, but hidden from view. To use code folding, click the plus and minus signs next to the code.

To-Do Lists

A To-Do List records tasks that need to be completed for a project. After you add a task to the To-Do List, you can edit the task, add it to your code as a comment, indicate that it has been completed, and remove it from the list. You can filter the list to display only those tasks that interest you.

Keystroke Macros

You can record a series of keystrokes as a macro while editing code. After you record a macro, you can play it back to repeat the keystrokes during the current IDE session. Recording a macro replaces the previously recorded macro.


Bookmarks provide a convenient way to navigate long files. You can mark a location in your code with a bookmark and jump to that location from anywhere in the file. You can use up to ten bookmarks, numbered 0 through 9, within a file. When you set a bookmark, a book icon is displayed in left gutter of the Code Editor.

Block Comments

You can comment a section of code by selecting the code in the Code Editor and pressing CTRL+/ (slash). Each line of the selected code is prefixed with // and will be ignored by the compiler. Pressing CTRL+/ will add or remove the slashes, based on whether the first line of the code is prefixed with //. When using the Visual Studio or Visual Basic key mappings, use CTRL+K+C to add and remove comment slashes.

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