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What’s New in Delphi 2005?         ★★★★

What’s New in Delphi 2005?

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2601 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:29:32

What’s New in Delphi 2005?

by Bob Swart (www.drbob42.com)

Bob Swart Training & Consultancy (eBob42)


Borland Delphi 2005 Splash Screen

1. Introduction

Borland Delphi 2005 is the latest version of Borland Delphi, offering Rapid Application Development for the Microsoft Windows Operating System and the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1. with both the Delphi language (for Win32 and .NET 1.1) and C# (for .NET 1.1 only).


Product Overview

Delphi 2005 can be seen as having three different personalities: a Win32 personality using the Delphi language (where Delphi 2005 is the successor of Borland Delphi 7), and two .NET personalities: one using Delphi as language (the successor of Borland Delphi 8 for the Microsoft .NET Framework), and the other using C# as language. With respect to the latter personality, Delphi 2005 is the upgrade from Borland C#Builder 1.0.

As a result, Delphi 2005 is the next step for current Borland Delphi 3 through 8 and Borland C#Builder developers for rapid application development (RAD) on Win32 as well as the .NET Framework.


Key Features

[Feel free to suggest others/changes!]


- Support for three different personalities: Delphi for Win32, Delphi for .NET and C# all from within one development (and debugging) environment.


- Easy migration of Win32 applications to .NET within the same development environment.


- Support for the Delphi language with several enhancements like multi-unit namespaces, for ... in ... do loops, inline functions and other code optimisations.


- Support for WinForms, ASP.NET Web Forms as well as Borland''''s own VCL framework on .NET, and VCL for Win32 with visual designers to build applications the RAD way.


- Support for heterogeneous database access (using any ADO.NET Data Adapter – not just BdpDataAdapter) as well as multi-tier database applications with new DataSync, DataHub, RemoteServer and RemoteConnection components.


- Support for refactoring to restructure your source code, increasing the maintainability and chances of successful reuse.


- Support for unit testing with DUnit and NUnit, using the extreme unit-test framework in Delphi for Win32, Delphi for .NET and C# projects to increase the quality of your code.


- Support for Enterprise Core Objects II - a UML compliant Object Model Framework and Object Persistence, with support for databases through the Borland Data Provider, and now also available for ASP.NET.


- Support for ASP.NET with DB Web controls to facilitate the design, implementation and deployment of powerful data-driven Web applications.


- Support for version and team development, with a special backup and history view of your project files, plus optional integration with StarTeam.


- Support for integration with J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) or CORBA servers with the Janeva solution for Delphi for .NET and C# applications.


2. Borland Delphi 2005

This white paper will discuss the major enhancements in Borland Delphi 2005, grouped by area. First, the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) enhancements are covered, followed by refactoring, unit testing with DUnit and NUnit, enhancements in the database and Web areas, ALM support, and finally Delphi compiler, language and debugging enhancements.


2.1 IDE

The Delphi 2005 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is significantly extended and enhanced in nearly every area.

Welcome Page

The Welcome Page is redesigned, showing not only the recent projects, but also the recent news from Borland Developer Network and RSS News feeds (depending on the availability of an internet connection).

Multiple Personalities

Delphi 2005 supports multiple personalities, featuring Delphi for Win32, Delphi for .NET and C# projects. As a little helpful hint, a personality icon in the IDE toolbar displays the active personality (Delphi for Win32 , Delphi for .NET , or C#

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