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Delphi9 (Diamondback)中的新功能简介!         ★★★★

Delphi9 (Diamondback)中的新功能简介!

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2976 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:31:03
This should have no effect on existing source code. There will probably be glitches in the food chain downstream of the compiler (code insight, error insight) but those can only be reached by using source code that was previously invalid.
  • Unicode characters are not allowed in published property, field, or method names. This is to prevent “funny chars” from showing up in the RTTI and upsetting third party VCL code that uses RTTI.
  • Applies to Delphi for .NET and Delphi for Win32
  • New wild-card "uses" syntax (a.b.*)

    Win32 only

    Unit initialization consolidation optimization?

    .NET only

    CF support

    DCCIL codegen targeting the .NET Compact Framework should work in Diamondback.

    Delphi relies on a .NET function “RunClassConstructor” to touch the unit type and induce initialization if it has not already been done. This function is not implemented in .NET CF.

    If the compiler can’t locate the RunClassConstructor function, it will emit a warning and skip the unit-touching codegen step. This means on CF the order in which your units are initialized is determined solely by when your code touches symbols in those units. The order is not determined by the order of the units in the uses clause.

    For the desktop .NET platform, unit initialization sequencing is the same as before.

    Forward declared record types




    COM+ Object

    COM+ Event Object

    COM+ Subscription Object

    Remote Data Module

    Type library

    ActiveX library

    Virtual Library Interfaces

    Import .NET control for Win32

    Register/Unregister ActiveX server


    New components (TButtonGroup and TCategoryButtons; used as basis for new palette).

    Better encapsulation of IE WebBrowser component

    New TCaptionedDockTree (Dock tree used in IDE).

    Various Windows "macro" functions now inlined.

    New design time support for Help text in OI

    New design time support for hot-link pane in OI

    Support for enumerator syntax


    Now supports Weak Packaged units

    Security audits done to allow GUI VCL applications to run in < full trust environments for 20% faster performance

    Various Windows "macro" functions now inlined.

    Support for enumerator syntax



    Project manager improvements

    Directory management

    Show all files

    Context-sensitive new files

    web config


    ASP.NET/HTML Error Insight

    Deployment manager wizard




    Rubber band (mouse drag) control selection in the designer

    Improved Tag Editor support (editing of outer html for most tags)

    Edit | Select All Controls

    Improved pasting

    Template Editor

    Run as Server control


    CSS syntax highlighting

    CSS code completion

    HTML Structure pane

    HTML Tidy has been updated to the latest version

    Lots of bug fixes

    Web Control wizard improved

    Improved TWebBrowser

    Better code reformatting

    1. If your page has an <HTML> and <BODY> tag and you use the designer and modify the page when you click back to the code editor we will reformat the entire contents of the file excluding any <@ xxx ...> directives.
    2. If you have a BODY tag and are missing the <HTML> tag and you modify the page from the designer you will get back a page that includes both an HTML and BODY tag.  Additionally, the entire contents of the file will be formatted (including the <HTML> tags and any tags between HTML and BODY which is different from D8).
    3. If you don''''t have either an <HTML> or a <BODY> tag and you use the designer and modify the page you will get back only your markup without <HTML> or <BODY> tags.  Again, this formatting excludes the <@ xxx> directives they will remain at the top of the file.  This makes it possible to work with XML files (like RSS feeds) in the designer and it will not add additional <HTML> or <BODY> tags around your markup however it will format your markup.
    4. Previously, we were attempting to format the smallest amount of text possible and trying to find/replace the body tags but with the nature of HTML (that being inherently broken <g>) it caused various problems and resulted in jumbled .aspx files.  The new mechanism will be reformatting the entire contents of the file and therefore we won''''t be doing any tag replacement thus avoiding the previous problems.

    FYI, these changes will show up in a post Borcon build.


    DBWeb controls

    ECO support

    DBWeb control wizard

    DBWebDataSource improvements




    XML file support


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