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Delphi 6 SOAP 源码中的BUG修正         ★★★★

Delphi 6 SOAP 源码中的BUG修正

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2264 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:41:03
ration = class(TXSCustomDateTime) private FDecimalSecond: Double; function GetDecimalValue(const AParam: String; const AType: string): Double; function GetIntegerValue(const AParam: String; const AType: string): Integer; function GetNumericString(const AParam: string; const AType: String; const Decimals: Boolean = False): WideString; protected procedure SetDecimalSecond(const Value: Double); public constructor Create; override; procedure XSToNative(Value: WideString); override; function NativeToXS: WideString; override; property DecimalSecond: Double read FDecimalSecond write SetDecimalSecond; end; EXSDateTimeException = class(Exception); { Utility function } function DateTimeToXSDateTime(Value: TDateTime; CalcLocalBias: Boolean = False): TXSDateTime; implementation uses SoapConst, Windows; { exception routines } procedure SoapDateTimeError(const Message: string); local; begin raise EXSDateTimeException.Create(Message); end; procedure SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(const Message: string; const Args: array of const); local; begin SoapDateTimeError(Format(Message,Args)); end; { Utility functions } procedure AddUTCBias(var DateTime: TXSDateTime); var Info: TTimeZoneInformation; Status: DWORD; begin Status := GetTimeZoneInformation(Info); if (Status = TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN) or (Status = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) then SoapDateTimeError(SInvalidTimeZone); DateTime.HourOffset := Info.Bias div 60; DateTime.MinuteOffset := Info.Bias - (DateTime.HourOffset * 60); end; function DateTimeToXSDateTime(Value: TDateTime; CalcLocalBias: Boolean = False): TXSDateTime; begin Result := TXSDateTime.Create; Result.AsDateTime := Value; if CalcLocalBias then AddUTCBias(Result); end; procedure ParseXMLDate(ADate: WideString; var Year, Month, Day: Word); begin Year := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, 4)); Month := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos, 2)); Day := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos, 2)); end; function XMLDateToStr(ADate: WideString; AddDigits: Word = 0): WideString; begin Result := Copy(ADate, XMLMonthPos + AddDigits, 2) + DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLDayPos + AddDigits, 2 ) + DateSeparator + Copy(ADate, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + AddDigits); end; { the following code has a bug, modified by starfish // get Small Int Using Digits in value, positive or negative. function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin Result := 0; if Value[1] = ''''-'''' then Result := StrToInt(Value) else if Value <> '''''''' then Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits)); end; } // modified by starfish function IntFromValue(Value: WideString; Digits: Integer): SmallInt; begin if Value = '''''''' then Result := 0 else if Value[1] = ''''-'''' then Result := StrToInt(Value) else Result := StrToInt(Copy(Value, 1, Digits)); end; { TXSTime } function TXSTime.Clone: TXSTime; begin Result := TXSTime.Create; Result.Hour := Hour; Result.Minute := Minute; Result.Second := Second; Result.MilliSecond := MilliSecond; Result.HourOffset := HourOffset; Result.MinuteOffset := MinuteOffset; end; procedure TXSTime.SetHour(const Value: Word); begin if Value < HoursPerDay then FHour := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidHour, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetMinute(const Value: Word); begin if Value < 60 then FMinute := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMinute, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetSecond(const Value: Word); begin if Value < 60 then FSecond := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidSecond, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); begin if Value < 1000 then FMillisecond := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMillisecond, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin if Abs(Value) <= (HoursPerDay div 2) then FHourOffset := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidHourOffset, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin if Abs(Value) < 60 then FMinuteOffset := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMinute, [Value]); end; procedure TXSTime.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var TempValue: WideString; TempTime: TDateTime; HourOffsetPos: Integer; begin TempValue := StringReplace(Copy(Value, 1, 8), XMLTimeSeparator, TimeSeparator, []); TempTime := StrToTime(TempValue); DecodeTime(TempTime, FHour, FMinute, FSecond, FMillisecond); TempValue := Copy(Value, XMLMilSecPos, 3); Millisecond := IntFromValue(TempValue, 3); HourOffsetPos := Pos(XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker, Value); if HourOffsetPos = 0 then HourOffsetPos := Pos(XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker, Value); if HourOffsetPos > 0 then begin TempValue := Copy(Value, HourOffsetPos + 1, 2); HourOffset := IntFromValue(TempValue, 2); TempValue := Copy(Value, HourOffsetPos + 4, 2); if TempValue <> '''''''' then MinuteOffSet := IntFromValue(TempValue,2); end; end; function TXSTime.BuildHourOffset: WideString; var Marker: String; begin if Abs(HourOffset) + MinuteOffset <> 0 then begin if HourOffset > 0 then Marker := XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker else Marker := XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker; Result := IntToStr(Abs(HourOffset)); if Abs(HourOffset) < 10 then Result := ''''0'''' + Result; if Abs(MinuteOffSet) > 9 then Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + IntToStr(Abs(MinuteOffset)) else if Abs(MinuteOffSet) > 0 then Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + ''''0'''' + IntToStr(Abs(MinuteOffset)) else Result := Result + XMLTimeSeparator + ''''00''''; Result := Marker + Result; end; end; function TXSTime.NativeToXS: WideString; var TempTime: TDateTime; FormatString: string; begin if Hour + Minute + Second = 0 then exit; TempTime := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); // exception thrown if invalid FormatString := Format(''''hh%snn%sss.zzz'''', [XMLTimeSeparator, XMLTimeSeparator]); Result := FormatDateTime(FormatString, TempTime) + BuildHourOffset; end; procedure TXSTime.SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); begin DecodeTime(Value, FHour, FMinute, FSecond, FMillisecond); end; { the following function has a bug! rewrite by starfish function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime; var TimeString: string; Colon: string; begin Colon := TimeSeparator; TimeString := IntToStr(Hour) + Colon + IntToStr(Minute) + Colon + IntToStr(Second); Result := StrToTime(TimeString); end; } function TXSTime.GetAsTime: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end; { TXSDate } constructor TXSDate.Create; begin inherited Create; FMaxMonth := 12; FMinMonth := 1; FMaxDay := 31; FMinDay := 1; end; function TXSDate.Clone: TXSDate; begin Result := TXSDate.Create; Result.Day := Day; Result.Month := Month; Result.Year := Year; end; procedure TXSDate.SetMonth(const Value: Word); begin if (Value <= FMaxMonth) and (Value >= FMinMonth) then FMonth := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidMonth, [Value]); end; procedure TXSDate.SetDay(const Value: Word); begin if (Value <= FMaxDay) and (Value >= FMinDay) then // perform more complete check when all values set FDay := Value else SoapDateTimeErrorFmt(SInvalidDay, [Value]); end; procedure TXSDate.SetYear(const Value: Word); begin FYear := Value end; // the following code has a bug! rewrite by starfish { procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var TempDate: TDateTime; begin FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits); TempDate := StrToDate(XMLDateToStr(Value, FAdditionalYearDigits)); DecodeDate(TempDate, FYear, FMonth, FDay); end; } procedure TXSDate.XSToNative(Value: WideString); begin FAdditionalYearDigits := Pos(XMLDateSeparator,Value) - (1 + XMLDefaultYearDigits); try FYear := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLYearPos, XMLDefaultYearDigits + FAdditionalYearDigits)); FMonth := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLDayPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2 )); FDay := StrToInt(Copy(Value, XMLMonthPos + FAdditionalYearDigits, 2)); except raise EConvertError.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidDate, [Value]); end; end; function TXSDate.NativeToXS: WideString; var TempDate: TDateTime; FormatString: string; begin if Year + Month + Day = 0 then exit; TempDate := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); // exception thrown if invalid FormatString := Format(''''yyyy%smm%sdd'''', [XMLDateSeparator, XMLDateSeparator]); Result := FormatDateTime(FormatString, TempDate); end; { the following code has a bug! rewrite by starfish function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime; var DateString: string; Slash: string; begin Slash := DateSeparator; DateString := IntToStr(Month) + Slash + IntToStr(Day) + Slash + IntToStr(Year); Result := StrToDate(DateString); end; } function TXSDate.GetAsDate: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); end; procedure TXSDate.SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); begin DecodeDate(Value, FYear, FMonth, FDay); end; { TXSCustomDateTime } constructor TXSCustomDateTime.Create; begin Inherited Create; FDateParam := TXSDate.Create; FTimeParam := TXSTime.Create; end; destructor TXSCustomDateTime.Destroy; begin FDateParam.Free; FTimeParam.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetHour: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.Hour; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMinute: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.Minute; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetSecond: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.Second; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMilliSecond: Word; begin Result := FTimeParam.MilliSecond; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetHourOffset: SmallInt; begin Result := FTimeParam.HourOffset; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMinuteOffset: SmallInt; begin Result := FTimeParam.MinuteOffset; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetMonth: Word; begin Result := FDateParam.Month; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetDay: Word; begin Result := FDateParam.Day; end; function TXSCustomDateTime.GetYear: Word; begin Result := FDateParam.Year; end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetHour(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetHour(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMinute(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetMinute(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetSecond(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetSecond(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMillisecond(const Value: Word); begin FTimeParam.SetMillisecond(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetHourOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin FTimeParam.SetHourOffset(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMinuteOffset(const Value: SmallInt); begin FTimeParam.SetMinuteOffset(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetMonth(const Value: Word); begin FDateParam.SetMonth(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetDay(const Value: Word); begin FDateParam.SetDay(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetYear(const Value: Word); begin FDateParam.SetYear(Value); end; procedure TXSCustomDateTime.SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); begin FDateParam.AsDate := Value; FTimeParam.AsTime := Value; end; { the following code has a bug, modified by starfish function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; var DateString: string; Slash: string; Colon: string; begin Slash := DateSeparator; Colon := TimeSeparator; DateString := IntToStr(Month) + Slash + IntToStr(Day) + Slash + IntToStr(Year) + '''' '''' + IntToStr(Hour) + Colon + IntToStr(Minute) + Colon + IntToStr(Second); Result := StrToDateTime(DateString); end; } function TXSCustomDateTime.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDateTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end; { TXSDateTime } function TXSDateTime.Clone: TXSDateTime; begin Result := TXSDateTime.Create; Result.FDateParam.Day := Day; Result.FDateParam.Month := Month; Result.FDateParam.Year := Year; Result.FTimeParam.Hour := Hour; Result.FTimeParam.Minute := Minute; Result.FTimeParam.Second := Second; Result.FTimeParam.MilliSecond := MilliSecond; Result.FTimeParam.HourOffset := HourOffset; Result.FTimeParam.MinuteOffset := MinuteOffset; end; procedure TXSDateTime.XSToNative(Value: WideString); var TimeString, DateString: WideString; TimePosition: Integer; begin TimePosition := Pos(SoapTimePrefix, Value); if TimePosition >

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