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关于DirectX技术的未来和在VB.NET中应用的对话(微软)         ★★★★


作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1324 更新时间:2009/4/23 19:01:24
A: My first book covers the Managed DirectX API in its entirety, and includes source code in Visual Basic.NET.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: what’s the title?
A: Managed DirectX 9 Game and Graphics Programming Kick Start.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: tom miller: can you also give a glimpse about what your next book will be about? I read something about game programming fundamentals. is that right?
A: Somewhat. It covers game programming using Managed DirectX rather than the API coverage the first book covers. It contains 3 full games rather than a bunch of small code examples.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: Why doesn''''t DirectDraw have the same useful helper classes like D3D class SurfaceLoader?
A: DirectDraw was last updated in DirectX7, and is no longer being enhanced. You can get the features it supports through the Direct3D interfaces now, with much more flexibility.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: What in your opinion are the "coolest" or most "revolutionary" features of the new DX?
A: Aside from Shader 3.0, and the new effects system, Spherical Harmonics and Pre-computed radiance transfers are big things..

Host: KevGee (Microsoft)
Q: How will one safe himself against IL attacks? I myself hacked some code of a friend, I added some health to his game and so on. Obfuscation won''''t work for calls like DrawText because at this point you actually know what parameters the function takes and addiontally tools like ILDASM show the parameters.
A: The CLR and .NET has security built in through the Code Access Security (CAS) model. All code has predetermined privilege levels and is signed to be tamper proof.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: In unmanaged Direct3D I use two fullscreen triangles building a square and doing my 2D stuff in a texture, since that seems to be faster than old IDirectDraw7; in MDX there is a DD class, should I use this, or stick with my D3D solution?
A: I would stick with D3D. DirectDraw is not being enhanced any longer.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: Is there ever going to be a feature in the platform where I can just add a Tag in my assembly.vb file that says don''''t do garbage collection for this app until it quits. kind of a game related question.
A: Not likely. If you read Brad Abrams blog, you''''ll see some of the current thoughts around garbage collector enhancements for the next CLR, but turning it off completely is not something that will happen.

Host: KevGee (Microsoft)
Q: Could you give a quick explanation of what those things are? "Shader 3.0, and the new effects system, Spherical Harmonics and Pre-computed radiance transfers"
A: Shader 3.0 This is the advanced shader model which we expect to see h/w availability for later this year.

Host: KevGee (Microsoft)
A: new effects system Not sure exactly what the New stands for but we have significantly enhanced the existing effects systems performance and added support for pre-shaders.

Host: KevGee (Microsoft)
A: Pre-computed Radiance Transfer (PRT) This is a relatively new approach to rendering global illumination terms in real time. We have samples in the sdk that detail how to use this technology that is part of the D3DX api.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: Why was DD included in MDX if it is no longer being enhanced... I mean what is the use of it if D3D does everything better? (just lower system requirements?)
A: Yes, the DirectDraw has a lower system requirements. Plus, it was added for people porting existing code.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: can the blog site be found at MSDN COmmunities?
A: Yes. http://blogs.msdn.com has many MS blogs.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: There were big changes in the CLR regarding Garbage Collection due to Yukon, since a database server can''''t really relay on non-deterministic finalization, any chance that MDX will be able to use this modified GC for GFX, which also could from it
A: Once the new CLR is released, we will definitely look at the enhancements and see how they can make Managed DirectX better than it already it.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: Could you ask some DX people or MS game devs start blogging bout their game/dx related experiences in past, if they can''''t talk about current development. It would be still very nice.
A: I have a blog on msdn.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: what about programming xbox2 with managed directx?
A: We can''''t talk about the ''''xbox2'''' in this chat.

Host: Jordan (Microsoft)
Q: I know, I know, but I’m itching to ask... Is XNA going to be free to develop for like DirectX or will ppl have to buy a license?
A: This is discussed in the XNA FAQ posted on www.Microsoft.com/xna/faq.aspx

Host: KevGee (Microsoft)
Q: We are having troubles with our dll files... can somebody help please
A: Please send a fully detailed description of your problem to directX@microsoft.com and contact your evangelist if you are working on a shipping product. Thanks.

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: TomMiller_MS : Where is your BLog?
A: blogs.msdn.com/ tmiller

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: everybody is talking about speed (performance) of MDX, but are there any benchmarks about resource usage? How much memory is needed compared to unmanaged DX?
A: It''''s something we''''re working on (benchmarks).. Performance (execution speed) we''''ve talked much about, and it''''s close. Memory usage, naturally the managed API is higher..

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Q: Will there be MDX support (although very limited) for Compact Devices?
A: It''''s something that we are investigating, but nothing has been announced yet. If you feel strongly please send us mail at directx@microsoft.com

Moderator: Ed_H (Microsoft)
This has been a GREAT chat. Thank you to everyone. Unfortunately, it is time to go. Thanks for participating, and we''''ll see you next time!

Host: KevGee (Microsoft)
Thanks, Bye

Host: TomMiller (Microsoft)
Thanks everyone, bye!

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