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Skype 2.0发布 增加视频聊天功能__天极Yesky         

Skype 2.0发布 增加视频聊天功能__天极Yesky

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1009 更新时间:2009/4/25 0:56:44
  Skype昨天放出了2.0版。目前只有Windows版,也没有中文版。这个新版的Skype支持视频聊天,不用插件也能与好友面对面交流了。增加了分组功能,在Outlook上增加了工具栏,也增加了一些个性化的设置,如全的系统音效。来看看英文的更新信息。 点这里去官方网站下载Skype2.0>>

  Change Log

  1.12.2005 version

  feature: Skype video (webcam)

  feature: contact grouping

  feature: quickfilter in contact list and history (enable from Options->Advanced)

  feature: new language - Portuguese (Portugal)

  feature: new sound events for chat user join, leave and incoming message to existing chat

  feature: chats and conference calls shown in history

  feature: expandable "My Panel" (mood, events, services integrated)

  feature: add contact directly from main window

  feature: show file transfers in history

  feature: quickfilter in history

  feature: delete single or multiple history items

  feature: compact chat participant list

  feature: save user¡¯s last auth request

  feature: API commands GET/SET PCSPEAKER


  feature: API command SET VIDEO_IN

  change: auth requests new design

  change: changed group selection hotkeys to Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn

  change: call tab visual layout changed

  change: UI design elements changes

  change: tray icon flag animation on missed events

  change: tray icon connecting animation

  change: changed "Free Internet Telephony" to "The whole world can talk for free" in file description

  change: import contacts error dialog displayed when there is nowhere to import contacts from

  change: file transfer in DND mode open file transfer dialog in minimized mode

  change: new installer and uninstaller icons

  change: history limited to 30 days for all events

  change: new login animation

  change: new layout for sound options

  change: show my buddy count as an option in profile

  change: new design for user creation

  change: new design for log in

  change: main/tools menu reshuffled

  change: new sounds

  change: display full name in profile

  bugfix: drag and drop to chat - whole window should accept target

  bugfix: accessibility: tab navigation on login dialog

  bugfix: missing window title string for remove group dialog

  bugfix: MSAA result codes on lists

  bugfix: accessibility: can¡¯t navigate to related tasks in options

  bugfix: accessibility: advanced settings not accessible by tab

  bugfix: accessibility: make ¡¯Your e-mail will be kept private...¡¯ link accessible

  bugfix: 98/Me: some languages in EULA not shown

  bugfix: doubleclick on tray icon brings main form to top correctly

  bugfix: JPY sign not displayed in client

  bugfix: import contacts search made faster

  bugfix: Voicemail was not played if enter is pressed

  bugfix: low credit notification improved

  bugfix: voicemail menu item should be visible for non voicemail subscribers

  bugfix: login - save button should be disabled, if one password is unfilled

  bugfix: login - incorrect error message, if Skype Name starts with non-Latin letter

  bugfix: Skype UI doesn¡¯t follow Windows DPI changes

  bugfix: accessibility: speed dial announcement not reported via MSAA

  bugfix: contact list - delete does not work on multiselect

  bugfix: API notifications missing

  bugfix: add a contact and search are not changed maximize on dual-head

  bugfix: My Profile - each month contains 30 days

  bugfix: call forwarding and voicemail statuses in MSAA

  bugfix: profile view: not been online for long time?

  bugfix: chat participant list MSAA support

  bugfix: multichat doesn¡¯t update names when contacts change them

  bugfix: invalid date in profile

  bugfix: profile: Default day item in birthday dropdown

  bugfix: hotkeys value not changeable back to ¡¯blank¡¯

  bugfix: better usability of several forms with high dpi settings


   Skype 魔法表情插件Sowmo使用指南

   装上Festoon插件 Skype 也能玩视频

   TOM- Skype 四大功能简介

   Skype 推出语音电邮产品

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  阅读关于 Skype 2.0 超级视频 视频聊天 的全部文章

[聊天工具]Skype 2.0测试版视频聊天功能试用__天极Yesky  [聊天工具]装上SOWMO插件 Skype也玩魔法表情__天极Yesky
[聊天工具]装上Festoon插件 Skype也能玩视频__天极Yesky  [聊天工具]TOM-Skype1.4测试版实现呼叫转移功能
[聊天工具]Tom-Skype1.3正式版新功能挨个看  [聊天工具]用SAM答录机玩skype 录制酷炫个性彩铃__天极Yesky
[聊天工具]TOM-Skype用户也玩魔法表情  [聊天工具]试用Tom-Skype1.2最新版
[聊天工具]TOM-Skype经理与天极网友在线交流  [聊天工具]TOM-Skype1.2版即将问世
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