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T-SQL 存储过程创建 PDF 格式文件(报表)         

T-SQL 存储过程创建 PDF 格式文件(报表)

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2313 更新时间:2007/11/14 12:01:11

转贴,仅引用了 FSO,PDF 格式可以自己写,就像标志语言:

Creating a PDF from a Stored Procedure




Creating a PDF from a Stored Procedure

Regular Columnist : M Ivica
Posted: 08/26/2003
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This article explains how to create a a stored procedure that will in turn create a simple column based report in PDF without using any external tools or libraries (and their associated licensing costs!).

SQL2PDF makes a PDF report from text inserted in the table psopdf ( nvarchar(80) ). First a table named psopdf should be created.

CREATE TABLE psopdf (code NVARCHAR(80)) 

After that create the stored procedure SQL2PDF.


And table psopdf has to be filled with your data as shown in examples below.
At the end the stored procedure is called using the file name only (not extension).

EXEC sql2pdf ''''fileName''''

The result is in your C:\ directory.


INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(60) + ''''COMPANY LTD''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(60) + ''''COMPANY ADDRESS''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(60) + ''''STREET NAME & No''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT '''' ''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(34) + ''''BILL OF SALE''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT '''' ''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT ''''Product'''' + SPACE(10) + ''''Quantity''''
+ SPACE(10) + ''''Price'''' + SPACE(10) + ''''Total''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT REPLACE(SPACE(56), '''' '''', ''''_'''')
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT ''''Product1'''' + SPACE(9) + ''''10.00 ''''
+ SPACE(10) + ''''52.30'''' + SPACE(10) + ''''5230.0''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT ''''Product2'''' + SPACE(9) + ''''2.00 ''''
+ SPACE(10) + ''''10.00'''' + SPACE(10) + '''' 20.0''''
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT REPLACE(SPACE(56), '''' '''', ''''_'''')
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT SPACE(50) + ''''5250.0''''

After INSERT call the stored procedure with file name demo2.

EXEC sql2pdf ''''demo2''''

The result is in your C:\ directory.


Second example uses a database pubs.

USE pubs
INSERT psopdf(code) SELECT t1.au_lname + '''' '''' + t1.au_fname + '''' '''' + t1.phone 
 '''' '''' + t1.address + '''' '''' + t1.city + '''' '''' + t1.state + '''' '''' + t1.zip FROM 
 authors t1, authors t2

After INSERT call the stored procedure with file name demo1.

EXEC sql2pdf ''''demo1''''

>The result is in your C:\ directory.



   @filename VARCHAR(100) 
  CREATE TABLE #pdf (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)
  		    ,code NVARCHAR(200))
  CREATE TABLE #xref (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)
  		    ,code VARCHAR(30))
  CREATE TABLE #text (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)
  		    ,code VARCHAR(200))

  	@beg   VARCHAR(7),
  	@a1    VARCHAR(3),
  	@a2    VARCHAR(3),
  	@ad    VARCHAR(5),
  	@cr    VARCHAR(8),
  	@pr    VARCHAR(9),
  	@ti    VARCHAR(6),
  	@xstr  VARCHAR(10),
  	@page  VARCHAR(8000),
	@pdf   VARCHAR(100),
	@trenutniRed NVARCHAR(200),
  	@rows   INT,
  	@ofset  INT,
  	@len    INT,
  	@nopg   INT,
        @fs 	INT,
	@ole    INT,
	@x 	INT,
	@file   INT,
  	@object INT
  SELECT @pdf = ''''C:\'''' + @filename + ''''.pdf''''  
  SET @page = ''''''''
  SET @nopg = 0
  SET @object = 6
  SET @end = ''''endobj''''
  SET @beg = '''' 0 obj''''
  SET @a1 = ''''<<''''
  SET @a2 = ''''>>''''
  SET @ad = '''' 0 R''''
  SET @cr = CHAR(67) + CHAR(114) + CHAR (101) + CHAR(97) + CHAR(116) + CHAR (111) + CHAR(114)
  SET @pr = CHAR(80) + CHAR(114) + CHAR (111) + CHAR(100) + CHAR(117) + CHAR (99 ) + CHAR(101) + CHAR(114)
  SET @ti = CHAR(84) + CHAR(105) + CHAR (116) + CHAR(108) + CHAR(101)
  SET @xstr = '''' 00000 n''''
  SET @ofset = 396  
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''xref'''')
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0 10'''')
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000000 65535 f'''')
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000017'''' + @xstr)
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000790'''' + @xstr)
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000869'''' + @xstr)
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000144'''' + @xstr)
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000247'''' + @xstr)
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000321'''' + @xstr)
  INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (''''0000000396'''' + @xstr)  
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''%'''' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ''''-1.2'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''%佑佑'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''1'''' + @beg)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/'''' + @cr + '''' (Ivica Masar '''' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(83) + CHAR (79) + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + '''')'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/'''' + @pr + '''' (stored procedure for ms sql  pso@vip.hr)'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/'''' + @ti + '''' (SQL2'''' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + '''')'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''4'''' + @beg)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/Type /Font'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/Subtype /Type1'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/Name /F1'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/Encoding 5'''' + @ad)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/BaseFont /Courier'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''5'''' + @beg)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/Type /Encoding'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''/BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding'''')
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''6'''' + @beg)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)
  INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (''''  /Font '''' + @a1 + '''' /F1 4'''' + @ad + ''

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