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2006-03-01 PL/SQL Developer 7.0.1 发布了         

2006-03-01 PL/SQL Developer 7.0.1 发布了

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1225 更新时间:2007/11/14 13:13:03
Fixed several ODBC Importer issues
Fixed "Not enough storage" problem
Several SQL Window parsing errors fixed
Added two parameters for HTML books:
HTMLBooks= to determine the directory for the book index files
HTMLBookSelection= to determine the path for the book selection
HTML Export did not use character set and header preference
Hint preferences grid did not always show scrollbar
CSV Export did not export null values in the first field(s)
Report Window layout grid selection lists did not work correctly
Comments were removed from statements when stored in the recall buffer
SQL Window would allow tab changes during execution, which could cause errors
SQL Window fetch buttons would focus editor after completion
SQL Window "Executing..." message would immediately be cleared
SQL Window QBE query is now displayed again for scripts with 1 statement
SQL Window column width and order preserved when re-executed
Switching from Single Record view could cause "Row index out of range" error for empty result set
SQL Window could not be switched to Single Record view for cursor result sets
Preferences menu item groups (at the left) would not always have enough room for contents
User Interface preference "Autocomplete dropdown lists" added
User Interface preference "Position messageboxes near mouse pointer" added
Edit > Next/Previous Tab Page could cause hang-up or error message
Added Shift-Delete/Insert (cut/paste) in Large Data Editor
Support for Templates in Explain plan Window popup menu
Pasting data in Grid could give empty value on next row
Edit Object Window could not copy/paste grid data
Explain Plan now also enabled for insert statements
Comments in the where clause of a browser filter could cause "missing right parenthesis" error
Double-click on a Job in the Browser would do nothing
Substitution variable history would override case of entered text
Copied & pasted authorizations would not be saved when pressing OK
Plug-In function IDE_ExecuteSQLReport would give "cannot focus invisible window"
Plug-In event OnPopup was not called for Session Window popups

[Web开发]Tornado BSP Developers Kit -5  [Web开发]Tornado BSP Developers Kit -4
[Web开发]Tornado BSP Developers Kit(3)  [ORACLE]ORACLE PL/SQL 基础2 (游标的学习)
[ORACLE]ORACLE PL/SQL 基础  [ORACLE]Oracle PL/SQL Profiler应用指南
[ORACLE]PL/SQL Developer 与 oracle 10g 客户端兼容性问题…  [ORACLE]了解Oracle Developer
[ORACLE]Oracle Developer的用途  [ORACLE]Oracle PL/SQL入门之案例实践
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