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Delphi for .Net 编译器预览 - by John Kaster
作者:武汉SEO闵涛  文章来源:敏韬网  点击数3209  更新时间:2009/4/23 18:39:15  文章录入:mintao  责任编辑:mintao
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Delphi for .NET compiler preview - by John Kaster

Abstract:A first look at the Delphi for .NET compiler features and Delphi''''s new language syntax

by John Kaster and Danny Thorpe

At BorCon 2002, Borland started providing more technical details on our support under development for the .NET platform. This article introduces some of the planned enhancements to the Delphi language and introduces the prototype "Delphi for .NET" compiler. Unless otherwise indicated, the language features discussed here will first be seen in the Delphi for .NET compiler. Furthermore, all of the features discussed in this article may not be introduced in the preview release. When possible, features already implemented in the compiler will be listed, but since the compiler is in beta right now, not much emphasis will be placed on distinguishing what''''s currently implemented and what''''s not.

For a good, brief overview of .NET and an introduction to some of the terms mentioned in this article, see http://arstechnica.com/paedia/n/net/net-1.html.


The Delphi for .NET compiler produces Common Intermediate Language (CIL) applications. These applications can run anywhere the .NET run-time is available as fully managed applications. This means that Delphi applications can now move beyond their traditional Windows/Intel platform to any other platform that has a .NET runtime, such as the .NET compact framework available for tablet PCs, phones, and PDAs.

The Delphi command line compiler for IL is dccil.exe. Here''''s what currently shows up when you run it without any parameters. (This output is guaranteed to change before we release the Delphi for .NET preview with Delphi 7.)

Borland Delphi Version 16.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
Confidential pre-release version built Aug  2 2002 17:29:33

Syntax: dccil [options] filename [options]

  -A<unit>=<alias> = Set unit alias  -LU<package> = Use package
  -B = Build all units               -M = Make modified units
  -CC = Console target               -N<path> = DCU output directory
  -CG = GUI target                   -O<paths> = Object directories
  -D<syms> = Define conditionals     -P = look for 8.3 file names also
  -E<path> = EXE output directory    -Q = Quiet compile
  -F<offset> = Find error            -R<paths> = Resource directories
  -GD = Detailed map file            -U<paths> = Unit directories
  -GP = Map file with publics        -V = Debug information in EXE
  -GS = Map file with segments       -VR = Generate remote debug (RSM)
  -H = Output hint messages          -W = Output warning messages
  -I<paths> = Include directories    -Z = Output ''''never build'''' DCPs
  -J = Generate .obj file            -$<dir> = Compiler directive
  -JP = Generate C++ .obj file       --help = Show this help screen
  -K<addr> = Set image base addr     --version = Show name and version
Compiler switches: -$<letter><state> (defaults are shown below)
  A8  Aligned record fields           P+  Open string params
  B-  Full boolean Evaluation         Q-  Integer overflow checking
  C+  Evaluate assertions at runtime  R-  Range checking
  D+  Debug information               T-  Typed @ operator
  G+  Use imported data references    U-  Pentium(tm)-safe divide
  H+  Use long strings by default     V+  Strict var-strings
  I+  I/O checking                    W-  Generate stack frames
  J-  Writeable structured consts     X+  Extended syntax
  L+  Local debug symbols             Y+  Symbol reference info
  M-  Runtime type info               Z1  Minimum size of enum types
  O+  Optimization
product version: VER160
debug level: 2

In an effort to maintain the trend of asking about pronunciations ("Is it ''''delf-ee'''' or ''''delf-eye''''?"), I feel obligated to mention that the R&D team pronounces the compiler as "diesel."

A Delphi for .NET GUI application

As with Kylix, a basic step in our .NET support was getting a compiler that actually produces the appropriate "machine code" executable. In this case, that machine is .NET. A form designer is not currently available for Delphi for .NET, so you will notice that the following code actually initializes the menu items, button, listbox, and up/down control.

program ConvertIt;

  Borland.Delphi.SysUtils, Borland.Delphi.Conversions, Borland.Vcl.Controls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    DoitButton: TButton;
    CelsiusEdit: TSpinEdit;
    ResultList: TListBox;
    MainMenu: TMainMenu;
    FileItem: TMenuItem;
    ExitItem: TMenuItem;
    HelpItem: TMenuItem;
    AboutItem: TMenuItem;
    procedure DoitButtonClick(Sender: TObject; Args: TEventArgs);
    procedure ExitItemClick(Sender: TObject; Args: TEventArgs);
    procedure AboutItemClick(Sender: TObject; Args: TEventArgs);
    function DecimalToFloat(const AValue: Decimal): Double;
    function FloatToDecimal(const AValue: Double): Decimal;
    procedure ReadState;
    constructor Create;

    procedure Convert;

  Form1: TForm1;

function TForm1.DecimalToFloat(const AValue: Decimal): Double;
  Result := System.Convert.ToDouble(AValue);

function TForm1.FloatToDecimal(const AValue: Double): Decimal;
  Result := System.Convert.ToDecimal(AValue);

procedure TForm1.Convert;
  LCelsius: Double;

  function NthDegree(const Scale: string; const Temperature: double): string;
    Result := Format(''''%s = %8.2f'''', [Scale, Temperature]);

  LCelsius := DecimalToFloat(CelsiusEdit.Value);
  with ResultList.Items do
    Add(NthDegree(''''Celsius'''', LCelsius));
    Add(NthDegree(''''Fahrenheit'''', CelsiusToFahrenheit(LCelsius)));
    Add(NthDegree(''''Kelvin'''', CelsiusToKelvin(LCelsius)));
    Add(NthDegree(''''Rankine'''', CelsiusToRankine(LCelsius)));
    Add(NthDegree(''''Reaumur'''', CelsiusToReaumur(LCelsius)));

procedure TForm1.DoitButtonClick(Sender: TObject; Args: TEventArgs);

procedure TForm1.ExitItemClick(Sender: TObject; Args: TEventArgs);

procedure TForm1.AboutItemClick(Sender: TObject; Args: TEventArgs);
  TMessageBox.Show(Text + '''' whatever'''');

constructor TForm1.Create;
  inherited Create;


procedure TForm1.ReadState;
  MainMenu := TMainMenu.Create;
  FileItem := TMenuItem.Create;
  ExitItem := TMenuItem.Create;

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