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VB .NET vs. C#         ★★★★

VB .NET vs. C#

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2352 更新时间:2009/4/23 16:37:58
> in C# instead of VB .NET.


One of the differences when working with both languages in Visual Studio .NET is important to point out. When writing VB .NET, you can type “console” and when you press the period, the list of properties and methods appears. If you are typing in C# and you type “console” and press the period, nothing appears. This is because C# is case sensitive, and you’ll have to type “Console” for the IntelliSense to work. VB .NET developers may find this tedious. Whether you consider it lazy or convenient, VB .NET developers typically type everything in lowercase and let the environment case it properly. C# developers have to case it properly as they type. This means C# forces a stricter set of code-writing standards, while VB .NET developers save wear and tear on the shift key.

  VB.NET省了很多press SHIFT的机会,不行吗:)

So, how do you choose? If the functionality in the two languages is nearly the same, how do you go about choosing which language you want to use? I’ll break this discussion into three categories: familiarity, resources and support, and personal edification.



The main reason to choose VB .NET or C# is familiarity, which is interesting because both languages are new. I’ve had some people on the Microsoft project team tell me they don’t want the move from VB to VB .NET to sound like a big move. Well, it is a big move. The learning curve is steep. The learning curve from VB to C# is steep. The learning curve from C++ to C# is steep.


You’re learning a new language, but much of it is learning the .NET Framework and all the classes the CLR supplies. If you want to create a new thread, it’s in the run time. If you want to access data using ADO.NET, it’s in the run time. If you want to read in some XML, it’s in the run time. I think you get the picture: Much of what you will be doing is learning the run time.


As you learn the run time, however, you’ll be using some language to play with it. While VB .NET is a new language, and there are differences from VB that will cause you to lose your hair, I think it’s safe to say that the learning curve going from VB to VB .NET is less steep than it is from VB to C#. C++ developers will feel more at home with C# than with VB. If you are a hard-core Java or JScript developer, you also will feel much more at home with C#.



VB developers will be much more at ease with VB .NET’s loops, conditional constructs, variable declaration syntax, and more. Why fight case sensitivity and that double-equals sign when you don’t have to? You’ll find yourself searching for a bug for an hour, and it will turn out to be a missing equals sign. You don’t need the headache of learning the nuances of a new language when you are trying to learn the CLR.


C++, Java, and JScript developers are used to case sensitivity, the double-equals, and all those curly braces. Moving to the more wordy VB .NET syntax would probably just be frustrating at a time when the developer should be focused on learning the CLR classes and not having to worry about an unfamiliar syntax.


Recommendation No. 1: Go with what’s closest to you. If you are a new developer and have never written a line of code in your life, you’ll have to find your answer in the next two sections.


Resources and Support


If you are learning a new language, what’s the first thing you do? For most people, the first step is to create a Hello World program from a book or a help file. Some people actually read the language reference then. (Really, I’ve seen people do it!) Most people go through online tutorials, maybe buy a book or two, and then look at the language reference only when they are stuck.


There will be no shortage of books, Web sites, and articles on either VB .NET or C#. So you should have plenty of opportunities to read about either language and have a number of examples from each language.


However, there are other factors to consider. Do you know anyone with experience in either one? Someone you can bounce ideas off of when you are having problems? What about industry support? Microsoft created both languages, but how many VB .NET developers will there be, compared with C# developers? Will Microsoft favor one over another in example code? Will your area offer training in both VB .NET and C#?


Most resources should be widely available in each language, but, if VB is any guide, there will be more VB .NET developers than there will be C# developers. While I expect the gap between the number of VB .NET and C# developers to be smaller than the gap between VB and C++ developers, there will likely be more VB .NET developers because so many VB developers will use VB .NET when they make the leap to .NET.


Personal Edification


Perhaps you’ve always wanted to program in C++ but found it too obscure, difficult, or overwhelming. Now, you see that C# exists but removes some of the more intensive tasks, such as managing memory and handling pointers. If it’s been a lifelong dream of yours to program in C or C++, feel free to take C# for a spin. You’ll find it quite forgiving and very powerful for creating business applications.


If you’re thinking, “Aha! Now I can learn C# and pull down the big bucks!” then I need to warn you about something. You see, it’s true in most cases today that C++ developers earn more than do VB developers. One reason is that there are a lot fewer C++ developers. Another reason, though, is the kind of work that C++ developers are doing. They are typically doing things you can’t do (at least not reasonably) in VB. They’re writing device drivers, socket interfaces, or any manner of low-level applications. VB developers, on the other hand, are busy solving business problems.


C# is not going to be used for the same purposes as C++. Instead, C# will be used for business applications. Therefore, C# and VB .NET will be used to create exactly the same kinds of applications. The advantage of one over the other will be miniscule when creating business applications. The only way you might earn more as a C# developer is that there likely will be fewer of them, so you may get lucky that way. It’s unlikely, however, that you’ll be building low-level applications. So, unless the manager is a dolt, you won’t be worth more than a VB .NET developer.


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