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VB .NET vs. C#         ★★★★

VB .NET vs. C#

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2353 更新时间:2009/4/23 16:37:58
Finally, pick the language you like. A friend tells me he has always thought C/C++ looked more elegant and logical to him than VB, but he’s been using VB for a few years. He plans on making the jump to C# because “it looks better.” That’s not a bad reason, but he’ll be learning the CLR and C# at the same time. As a VB developer, he’d probably have an easier time learning the CLR and VB .NET at the same time and then making the move to C#.



From a purely technical standpoint, which language you choose is probably irrelevant. Yes, there are some differences in the functionality between VB .NET and C#, but they’re small. The main issue to consider is your comfort level with the languages on which these new languages are based: If you are familiar with VB, you’ll have an easier (though not necessarily easy) transition to VB .NET. If you are a C, C++, Java, or JScript developer, you likely will find C# more comfortable.


Despite the two languages being different, they almost always will be used to produce the same sort of applications. Therefore, any salary difference between VB .NET and C# developers would be based on the sheer numbers of developers, and not on any specialized requirements of C# developers that VB .NET developers can’t handle.


Most of you will use what your company tells you to use. If the choice is yours, feel free to choose either one. There’s nothing wrong with learning both, but you should probably move to the one closest to your current language first, so you can learn the run time without having to fight the language too much. Then, any .NET language will just require you to learn some new syntax.


       这个作者还是建议本来VB接触比较多的,转移向VB.NET;如果你是个C/C++ 、Java 、JScript高手的话,建议还是采用C#。


Montaque==Hou Yongfeng==Digitalboy


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