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2004.11.29.Code Editor         ★★★★

2004.11.29.Code Editor

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1295 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:29:25

Code Editor

The Code Editor provides a convenient to view and modify your source code. It is a full-featured, customizable, ANSI editor that provides syntax highlighting, multiple undo capability, and context-sensitive Help for language elements. As you design the user interface for your application, Delphi 2005 generates the underlying code. When you modify object properties, your changes are automatically reflected in the source files. Because all your programs share common characteristics, Delphi 2005 auto-generates code to get you started. Do not modify the auto-generated code for the Initialize Components method. Doing so will cause your form to disappear when you click the Design tab. You can think of the auto-generated code as an outline that you can examine to create your program. The Code Editor provides the following features to help you write code:

*    Refactoring

*    Code Insight

*    Sync Edit

*    Class completion

*    Code browsing

*    Code snippets

*    Code folding

*    To-Do Lists

*    Keystroke macros

*    Bookmarks

*    Block comments


Refactoring is the process of improving your code without changing its external functionality. For example, you can turn a selected code fragment into a method by using the extract method refactoring. Delphi 2005 moves the extracted code outside of the current method, determines the needed parameters, generates local variables if necessary, determines the return type, and replaces the code fragment with a call to the new method. Several other refactorings, such as renaming a symbol and declaring a variable, are also available.

Sync Edit

The Sync Edit feature lets you simultaneously edit duplicate identifiers in code. If you select a block of code that contains duplicate identifiers, for example, label1, and click the Sync Edit Mode icon that appears in the left gutter, all of the duplicated identifiers are highlighted and the cursor is positioned to the first identifier. As you change the first identifier, the same change is performed automatically on the other identifiers.

Code Insight

Code Insight refers to a subset of features embedded in the Code Editor that aid in the code writing process. These features display context-sensitive pop-up windows and provide the following services:

*    Help identify common statements you wish to insert into your code.

*    Assist in the selection of properties and methods.

*    Display events available for a particular class.

*    Provide view declaration information for identifiers.

To enable and configure Code Insight features, choose Tools Options and click Code Insight.

Class Completion

Class completion simplifies the process of defin

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[Web开发]ShadowStar Fast Editor Version:  [Web开发]ShadowStar Fast Editor V0.1
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