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Delphi9 (Diamondback)中的新功能简介!         ★★★★

Delphi9 (Diamondback)中的新功能简介!

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2958 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:31:03

What''''s new/improved in Diamondback


Multiple personality IDE

The IDE now allows you to create projects and manage for multiple languages and platforms.


Full support for developing C# applications is included in the IDE


Full support for developing Delphi for Win32 applications is included in the IDE


Full support for developing Delphi for .NET applications is included in the IDE

Current personality indicator

An icon appears to the right of the menu, indicating which personality is currently active for that project.

General IDE changes

Object Inspector


New look and feel

Better context management

Tool Palette

New look and feel

Better context management

Incremental search improved

Optionally display gallery/repository items in Tool Palette when no project is active

Project manager

Project manager now displays folder structure of project items

Delphi/Win32, Delphi/.NET and C#Builder projects in the same project group.

Alphabetical sorting option

Additional context menu items

Welcome page enhancements

Integrated News feed

Better looking


Win32 & .NET debuggers working simultaneously.

Debugging .NET code hosted in a Win32 process.

AppDomain support in the Module view for managed apps (App Domains show up in the module panes and in the scope browser pane)

Sorting in the modules view

Better stack traces in Win32 apps (for frames that don''''t have debug info)

Locals view allows for changing frames in Win32

Exception notification dialog enhancements

Break/continue buttons

Ignore exception type checkbox

.NET exceptions now show the exception message on dialog

Breakpoint view

Supports in-place editing

Check box to quickly enable/disable breakpoint


"Log call stack" breakpoint action

CPU view showing IL disassembly for .managed processes

Full SSE support including disassembly and SSE register view

Unicode enabling views that show program data (watch, locals, inspector, stack, etc.)



Extract method

Extract Resource string.

Sync Edit

Find unit/namespace

Declare field

Declare variable


Currently, Undo uses a local stripe. Changes since the file has been refactored are not monitored. So, before the Undo is applied, a warning comes up asking if you want to perform the Undo. Applying the Undo, your source file will revert changes back to before the refactoring was applied in all files that were modified. This means you will oose any changes that happened in those files since before the refactoring was done.

Note: Undo only does stripes for “Rename” since that is the only refactoring that affects multiple files. The “Extract Method” refactoring is undone in the IDE via Ctrl-Z (regular Undo). Same with declare field and declare variable.

C# & Delphi (Win32 & .NET)

VCL designer (.NET & Win32)

Embedded/non embedded

Left/Top properties can be independently set and persisted with embedded

Can now drag-n-drop from palette

Demand loading of Win32 design-time packages

Persistent bookmarks


Multi-level backups with History view

StarTeam integration

Main menu item
StarTeam Project management
Check in/out
create directories
Embedded client
External client launching
Project Manager
Project groups
Manage associations for project groups
Structure pane
Items pane files open  in IDE
History view StarTeam aware
Change requests
File renames are tracked

SCC API improvements?

Error insight

Expanded real-time error information for source

Integration into the structure view.

Help insight

Tooltip from XML doc information

Updated/consolidated new component wizard

Combines all functions of New VCL component/import AX Type library/control

Open API

New Open Tools API services

Structure View API (native and managed)

History View API (native and managed)

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[常用软件]接触Real 9 初步应用指南  [VB.NET程序]VB.NET实现DirectSound9 (8) 音效控制器
[VB.NET程序]VB.NET实现DirectSound9 (7) 录音  [VB.NET程序]VB.NET实现DirectSound9 (6) 声音特效
[VB.NET程序]VB.NET实现DirectDraw9 (2) 动画  [VB.NET程序]VB.NET实现DirectDraw9 (1) 托管的DDraw
[VB.NET程序]VB.NET 实现DirectSound9 (5) DS3D2  [VB.NET程序]用VB.Net实现DirectSound9 (4) DS3D

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