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VB .NET vs. C#         ★★★★

VB .NET vs. C#

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2333 更新时间:2009/4/23 16:37:58

VB .NET vs. C#



By Montaque(当然,我只是做了稍微的注解)




With the release of .NET, Microsoft is creating two new languages, Visual Basic .NET and C#. Many developers are wondering which language they should choose, and current Visual Basic developers often say they’re thinking about moving to C#. Does it really matter if you build your applications with VB .NET or C#? How do you choose between the two languages?


Why Do They Exist?



Before diving into their similarities and differences, it helps to understand why both languages exist and how they compare with their predecessors.


I often have the chance to ask people why Visual Basic exists. Microsoft’s co-founder and chairman Bill Gates has a long history with the BASIC language. In fact, his first product was a BASIC interpreter for the Altair computer, written on punch tape. Microsoft’s history with BASIC includes several versions of BASIC before Visual Basic, but Visual Basic was Microsoft’s first real attempt to open Windows programming to the masses.


I have to admit that I scoffed when I first saw Visual Basic 1.0. I knew that real Windows programs were written in C++, not Visual Basic. Fortunately, however, I hadn’t been too brainwashed by the C++ crowd, and, as I learned Visual Basic, I began to see a simple elegance in it. True, version 1.0 didn’t exactly let you write mission-critical applications, but it was very easy to create a quick Windows application.




As Visual Basic evolved, it became much more powerful. Today, it is the most common way to build business applications on the Windows platform quickly. VB applications can be distributed, scalable, fast, and even mission-critical. Meanwhile, the C++ developers continue to regard VB as a toy language. After all, you can’t really program without pointers (and pointers to pointers), can you?


While VB has gained a huge, worldwide following, the language (pre .NET) does have some missing elements. I rarely hear VB developers asking for pointers like those in C++, but they do ask for implementation inheritance, multithreading, and the ability to create Windows services and console applications natively. VB .NET answers all these requests and fixes many of the annoying little issues with VB. For example, you can instantiate variables at run time now, and parameter passing defaults to ByVal.



VB .NET is the modernization of VB, having added implementation inheritance and multithreading, but VB .NET has done so not so much through language changes as by supporting the features built into the .NET Framework. The Framework’s Common Language Runtime, or CLR, provides inheritance and multithreading along with support for a variety of projects. VB .NET is one of the first-class languages on the .NET platform, meaning it fully supports the CLR and cannot be considered a second-class citizen to C#.




C# exists for a very different reason. While VB .NET added support for such things as multithreading and inheritance, C++ has had those capabilities for years. However, C++ often is used for plumbing. You don’t typically write device drivers in VB. Instead, you use C++. If you take the concept of building a house, the C++ developers are the ones pouring the foundation, running the wiring, and installing the plumbing. VB developers then step in, put up the drywall, add carpeting, paint and furniture, and make the rooms functional. It’s not that C++ can’t do those things, it’s just that it generally takes longer to do those things in C++. In business, time is money, and time is a luxury many businesses do not have.


Microsoft claims C# is the modernization of C++, just as VB .NET is the modernization of VB. While C# does try to eliminate some of the inconsistencies of the C++ language, it is really more about welcoming C++ developers into the world of building business applications quickly. In other words, C# allows C/C++ developers to finish those rooms and make them functional as fast as VB developers have been able to for years.


C# eliminates many of the areas that make C++ a minefield for developers. Because C# is built on the .NET Framework, it takes advantage of .NET’s automatic memory management. This should eliminate many of the memory leaks often associated with incorrect use of memory in C++. C# also takes advantage of the CLR’s type safety, preventing you from reading memory outside your object’s memory range. And C# eliminates explicit pointers, which were the source of a tremendous number of bugs, especially for novice developers.


Some C++ developers see C# as the “dumbing down” of C++. Instead, it is an attempt to build a type-safe, reliable .NET language with syntax familiar to C++ developers. Similarly, VB .NET is an attempt to build a type-safe, reliable .NET language with syntax familiar to VB developers. The fact that VB .NET seems to gain a host of features is due more to its support of the CLR than to enhancements of the language. Because C++ already supported many of these features, some developers say the move to C# seems like a step backward.


VB .NET or C#: Does It Matter?

选择VB .NET or C#,很重要吗?

ASP classic developers have been debating VBScript vs. JScript on the server for about four years. The syntax of the two was obviously quite different, but, beyond that, the differences were minor. VBScript added a few nice objects, such as the Dictionary, the FileSystemObject, and the TextStream objects. But, overall, the languages let you accomplish the

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