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Delphi command-line compiler         ★★★★

Delphi command-line compiler

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2090 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:31:07
itive (+) state.


Code generation?????? Effect


Optimization?????? Enables compiler optimizations. Corresponds to {$O}.

Stack frames?? Forces compiler to generate stack frames on all procedures and functions. Corresponds to {$W}.

Pentium-safe FDIV Delphi only. Generates Delphi code that detects a faulty floating-point division instruction. Corresponds to {$U}.

Record field alignment Aligns elements in structures to the specified number of bytes (1, 2, 4, or 8). Choose the alignment type from the drop-down list. Corresponds to {$A}. ?Note: In older versions of Delphi, this option could be checked on or off. Choosing 1 is the equivalent of off and 8 is the equivalent of on.


Runtime errors?????? Effect


Range checking Checks that array and string subscripts are within bounds. Corresponds to {$R}.

I/O checking ??? Checks for I/O errors after every I/O call. Corresponds to {$I}.

Overflow checking ?????? Checks overflow for integer operations. Corresponds to {$Q}.


Syntax options ?????? Effect


Strict var-strings Sets up string parameter error checking. Corresponds to {$V}. (If the Open parameters option is selected, this option is not applicable.)

Complete boolean eval Evaluates every piece of an expression in Boolean terms, regardless of whether the result of an operand evaluates as false. Corresponds to {$B}.

Extended syntax Enables you to define a function call as a procedure and to ignore the function result. Also enables PChar support. Corresponds to {$X}.

Typed @ operator ?????? Controls the type of pointer returned by the @ operator. Corresponds to {$T}.

Open parameters Enables open string parameters in procedure and function declarations. Corresponds to {$P}. Open parameters are generally safer, and more efficient.

Huge strings ?? Enables new garbage collected strings. The string keyword corresponds to the AnsiString type with this option enabled. Otherwise the string keyword corresponds to the ShortString type. Corresponds to {$H}.?

Assignable typed constants Enable this for backward compatibility with Delphi 1.0 on Windows. When enabled, the compiler allows assignments to typed constants. Corresponds to {$J}.


Debugging?????? Effect


Debug information Puts debug information into the unit (.dcu or .dpu) file. Corresponds to {$D}.

Local symbols ?????? Generates local symbol information. Corresponds to {$L}..

Reference info/Definitions only Generates symbol reference information used by the Code Browser, Code Explorer, and Project Browser. Corresponds to {$Y}. If Reference Info and Definitions Only are both checked ({$YD}), the compiler records information about where identifiers are defined. If Reference Info is checked but Definitions Only is unchecked ({$Y+}), the compiler records information about where each identifier is defined and where it is used. These options have no effect unless Debug Information and Local Symbols (see above) are selected.


Assertions ??? Generates code for assertions placed in code. Corresponds to {$C}.. Unlike exceptions, assertions can be removed for the final build. After disabling the option, rebuild the code base to eliminate assertions.

Use Debug DCUs Allows you to link in debug versions of CLX. The Debug DCUs contain debug information and are built with stack frames. When this option is checked, the compliler prepends the Debug DCU path (specified in Tools|Debugger Options on the General page) to the unit Search path specified in Project|Options on the Directories/Conditionals page.


Default check box

Default check box saves the current settings as the default for each new project.



Compiler mode options

A few options affect how the compiler itself functions. As with the other options, you can use these with either the hyphen or the slash format. Remember to separate the options with at least one blank.


Note:?????? Command line compiling without an explicit make (-M) or build (-B) switch performs an in-memory compile (make) and link, without flushing anything to disk except the specified compilation unit (unit, program, library, or package).


For example:




will create a binary represenatation only for the specified file; any used units will not get their dcu or dpu files written to disk.


Make (-M) option


The command-line compiler has built-in MAKE logic to aid in project maintenance. The -M option instructs command-line compiler to check all units upon which the file being compiled depends. Using this option results in a much quicker compile time.


A unit is recompiled under the following conditions:


The source file for that unit has been modified since the unit file was created.

?????? Any file included with the $I directive, any .OBJ file linked in by the $L directive, or any .res file referenced by the $R directive, is newer than the unit file.

?????? The interface section of a unit referenced in a uses statement has changed.


Units compiled with the -Z option are excluded from the make logic.

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