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Delphi command-line compiler         ★★★★

Delphi command-line compiler

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2091 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:31:07

If you were applying this option to the previous example, the command would be:


dcc32 MYSTUFF -M


Build all (-B) option


Instead of relying on the -M option to determine what needs to be updated, you can tell command-line compiler to update all units upon which your program depends using the -B option. You can''''t use -M and -B at the same time. The -B option is slower than the -M option and is usually unnecessary.


If you were using this option in the previous example, the command would be


dcc32 MYSTUFF -B


Find error (-F) option


When a program terminates due to a runtime error, it displays an error code and the address at which the error occurred. By specifying that address in a -Faddress option, you can locate the statement in the source text that caused the error, provided your program and units were compiled with debug information enabled (via the $D compiler directive).


In order for the command-line compiler to find the runtime error with -F, you must compile the program with all the same command-line parameters you used the first time you compiled it.


As mentioned previously, you must compile your program and units with debug information enabled for the command-line compiler to be able to find runtime errors. By default, all programs and units are compiled with debug information enabled, but if you turn it off, using a {$D-} compiler directive or a -$D- option, the command-line compiler will not be able to locate runtime errors.


Generate object file (-J) option


Using the -J option will generate an object file.


Use packages (-LU) option


Use the -LU option to list additional runtime packages that you want to use in the application being compiled. Runtime packages already listed in the Project Options dialog box need not be repeated on the command line.


Disable implicit compilation (-Z) option


The -Z option prevents packages and units from being implicitly recompiled later. With packages, it is equivalent to placing {$ IMPLICITBUILD OFF} in the .dpk file. Use -Z when compiling packages that provide low-level functionality, that change infrequently between builds, or whose source code will not be distributed.


Target file extension (-TX) option


The -TX option lets you override the default extension for the output file. For example,




generates compiled output in a file called MYSTUFF.SYS.


Quiet (-Q) option


The quiet mode option suppresses the printing of file names and line numbers during compilation. When the command-line compiler is invoked with the quiet mode option


dcc32 MYSTUFF -Q


its output is limited to the startup copyright message and the usual statistics at the end of compilation. If any errors occur, they will be reported.

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