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Delphi command-line compiler         ★★★★

Delphi command-line compiler

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:2080 更新时间:2009/4/23 18:31:07

defproj.cfg__ Default configuration which compiled by all Projects

defproj.dof__Default configuration of all projects.

Delphi command-line compiler

The command-line compiler lets you invoke all the functions of the IDE compiler from the command line. Run the command-line compiler from the command line prompt using the syntax:

dcc32 ?[options] ?filename ?[options]


where options are zero or more parameters that provide information to the compiler and filename is the name of the source file to compile.

To display a help screen of command-line options and syntax:


Borland Delphi Version 15.0

Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation


Syntax: dcc32 [options] filename [options]


? -A= = Set unit alias? ?????-LU = Use package

? -B = Build all units?????????????? ?????????????? ???-M = Make modified units

? -CC = Console target?????????????????????????????-N = DCU output directory

? -CG = GUI target???????????????????????????? ??? ???-O = Object directories

? -D = Define conditionals???? ???-P = look for 8.3 file names als

? -E = EXE output directory?? ????-Q = Quiet compile

? -F = Find error????????????????? ?? ????-R = Resource directories

? -GD = Detailed map file?????????????????????????-U = Unit directories

? -GP = Map file with publics??????????????????-V = Debug information in EXE

? -GS = Map file with segments??? ????? ????-VR = Generate remote debug (RSM

? -H = Output hint messages?????? ????????? ?-W = Output warning messages

? -I = Include directories? ?????? ??-Z = Output ''''never build'''' DCPs

? -J = Generate .obj file????????? ???????????????? ??-$

= Compiler directive

? -JP = Generate C++ .obj file???????????????????--help = Show this help screen

? -K = Set image base addr? ???? ???--version = Show name and versio


Compiler switches: -$ (defaults are shown below)

? A8? Aligned record fields?????? ?????????? ??? ??P+? Open string params

? B-? Full boolean Evaluation????? ??????????? ??Q-? Integer overflow checking

? C+? Evaluate assertions at runtime????? ??R-? Range checking

? D+? Debug information????????????????????? ???? T-? Typed @ operator

? G+? Use imported data references?? ??? ??U-? Pentium(tm)-safe divide

? H+? Use long strings by default???? ??? ???V+? Strict var-strings

? I+? I/O checking??????????????????????????????????? ???W-? Generate stack frames

? J-? Writeable structured consts??? ???? ????X+? Extended syntax

? L+? Local debug symbols???????????????????????Y+? Symbol reference info

? M-? Runtime type info???????????? ?????????????? ?Z1? Minimum size of enum types

? O+? Optimization


If filename does not have an extension, the command-line compiler assumes .dpr, then .pas, if no .dpr is found. If the file you''''re compiling to doesn''''t have an extension, you must append a period (.) to the end of the filename.

If the source text contained in filename is a program, the compiler creates an executable file named filename.exe. If filename contains a library, the compiler creates a file named filename.dll. If filename contains a package, the compiler creates a file named filename.bpl. If filename contains a unit, the compiler creates a unit file named filename.dcu.

You can specify a number of options for the command-line compiler. An option consists of a slash (/) or hyphen (-) immediately followed by an option letter. In some cases, the option letter is followed by additional information, such as a number, a symbol, or a directory name. Options can be given in any order and can come before or after the file name.



cfg FILE

You can set up a list of options in a configuration file called DCC32.CFG, which will then be used in addition to the options entered on the command line. Each line in configuration file corresponds to an extra command-line argument inserted before the actual command-line arguments. Thus, by creating a configuration file, you can change the default setting of any command-line option.


The command-line compiler lets you enter the same command-line option several times, ignoring all but the last occurrence. This way, even though you''''ve changed some settings with a configuration file, you can still override them on the command line.


When dcc32 starts, it looks for DCC32.CFG in the current directory. If the file isn''''t found there, dcc32 looks in the directory where DCC32.EXE resides.


Here''''s an example DCC32.CFG file, defining some default directories for include, object, and unit files, and changing the default states of the $O and $R compiler directives:








Now, if you type:?? dcc32 MYSTUFF


the compiler performs as if you had typed the following:





Delphi compiler options

Delphi compiler options correspond to switch directives that you can also set directly in your program code.

Selecting an option is equivalent to setting the switch directive to its pos

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